part seventeen

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Ashton's pov

"You! You're fucking immune!"

Hold up
Hold the fuck up?!

"WHAT" I heard Michael say loudly, Nick just rolled his eyes and continued "If you're fucking immune then why bother coming here when being actually need to be saved?!" "I'm what?!" and at that moment Nick turned from extremely angry to just as shocked as me and Michael "you didn't know??" "N-no! No! I didn't k-know that!" I said, starting to freak out as fuck.

Michael walked up to me "oH my god.. Ashton that is fucking amazing!" but I didn't say anything, I couldn't. "Well, Michael you aren't immune, since you guys are together..Ashton you can stay here with Michael" I still couldn't say anything, I felt almost as if I was frozen yet I felt Michael put his arm around me "it's okay.. Everything is gonna be okay for you" 'you' , 'you' the word killed me to hear from him, I don't want this. I don't deserve this.

"Breathe.. I know you're shocked.. But.." "but? but what?" I managed to get out "you just gotta calm down..I know it's big news but please relax" I didn't say anything but sighed heavily "do you need water?" Nick asked " thanks.." "food? condoms? sometimes a good shag helps me calm down" ".. um.." "he'll be fine." Michael answered for me " are you sure? I definitely recommend a shag though. My husband sometimes fingers me too hard and it calms me down big fucking time. All the cum releases everything" at this point I was just trying not to freak the fuck out and I glanced at Michael who looked disturbed as fuck, I don't blame him at all.

"We erm..Had sex 20 minutes ago..So we're good" Michaels said "oH okay, well if you ever need advice about sex talk to me because I studied sex at college" I stayed silent, hoping he would go away and luckily he did, jogging.

"Well..That was awkward" Michael said" "just.. just a little" "but hey! You're immune!" I didn't reply but sad down on the bed next to him when he did and I just honestly couldn't believe it..The thought of being immune just drove me to a panic attack and soon apologizing for it like I always do "you don't need to apologize.." "even so.." "no.. Please don't. You can't help your anxiety"  "I wish I could" 'I know Ashton but you can't" Michael said, it coming out harsh, I looked at him to see a regretful face so I let it go and just sighed "I know" "but you're going to be okay, you're gonna survive" "if it was possible, I'd rather you have it" I mumbled yet he heard me anyway "no. Don't say that. You deserve it, you're a good person" "even if I am Michael, you still deserve it. More than me" "I don't though" "Michael shut up, you do. End of" "well I don't have it, you have it" he snapped in which making me feel guilty "I'm..I'm sorry.." "it's fine, it's fine I guess" "nah it's fine..I'm just tired I guess" "well it's almost four in the morning, you should go back to sleep" "you too.. you seem tired as well." "I'll deal with it, go on and sleep" though he held my hand and gently pulled us both into bed "only if you do" "fine.." I answered back and us both cuddling "sweet dreams.." "you too" he answered back and watched him smile as he fell asleep and myself falling asleep slowly after.

At least now I don't have to leave Michael.

Yaaaaaaaaaas Ashton is immune!!
Short chap but thought it was a good place to stop :)

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