Chapter 2: im moving where!?

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"Wha..aat?" I stuttered.

"I know this is a shock to you but your mothers dead Emily," said the male police officer.

I stumbled back and tripped over the sidewalk. "how could this happen?" I asked myself. I sat down for a bit trying to process the thought of my mother being gone...forever. Then suddenly a horrible thought hit me. "Owen" i whispered, I ran over to the police officer. "Owen!!! where's Owen?" I half screamed.

"Owen is ok, luckily your dad picked him up from preschool. I sighed relaxing for a little bit until bright car lights blinded my eyes. I covered them up with my hands as the big black car drove into the driveway.

"Emily" my dad said and ran over to me and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder as Owen came by.

" why are you crying big sissie" he said, while looking at me in awe. I wiped away my tears and bent down to him.

"it's nothing my darling, now let's get you ready for bed." I took Owen upstairs and got him into bed while my dad had to take a phone call. when Owen was peacefully asleep, I tiptoed downstairs but when I got to the bottom I stopped, listening to what my dad was saying.

" it may be the only choice, I mean what else can I do with them. I can't look after them!"my dad said loudly. I moved close so I could hear him more clearly. " I know, but a foster home is the only choice, it's to late now their leaving tomorrow." I gasped, he was taking us to a foster home. I ran upstairs and slammed my door while tears found their way out of my eyes. I ran to my bed and turned the radio on. soml by one direction came on, it made me smile a bit. I loved one direction. while I was singing along to soml trying to forget about what my dad said,I heard a tap on the door.

"come in!!!" I half cried, half shouted.

"I guess you heard the news..." my dad said awkwardly.

I nodded.

"I'll leave you to pack," he said leaving the room.

He didn't even say goodnight. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep, listening to one direction. I woke up the next morning sighing as all of the events from lastnight came back to me. I got out of bed and placed my suitcase beside the door. I brushed my hair and got dressed. I also put on a little bit of makeup. I ran to Owens room and packed a bag for him. I grabbed both of our bags and put them by the front door.

" emi?" a tiny voice said, " why is my ladybug bag by the door?" Owen said, looking confused. i rushed over to him and picked him up.

" well. me and you are going to a foster home," i said as calmly as i could.

"whats that?" Owen asked.

" you will see" i said trying to make him feel excited. Suddenly a beep came from outside. I rushed to the door with Owen in one hand and our bags in the other.

" Are you emily and Owen Robinson?" the lady asked.

"yes" i replied blandly as we hopped inside the black suv. As we drove away from my home i couldn't help but cry.

" why are you crying?" Owen asked. I Smiled.

"no reason baby you try and get some sleep ok?" I said to Owen who curled up next to me.

"Ok" he said before drifting off to sleep. I sighed this was going to be a long car ride.



I hope you are enjoying the story. One direction will be in the next chapter!!!

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