Chapter 49

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Trevor's POV

I walked down the hallway to Kayla's room, and knocked on the door.

"Hey Trevor," Kayla said, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Hey," I replied, walking in.

We sat their in awkward silence for a bit, until Kayla spoke up.

"Sooo.." she said, looking down at her feet.

"Why?" I asked her, my voice starting to crack.

"Why what?" she asked confused.

"Kayla..." I said sternly.

"I don't know, the thing with hayes was just friends and with shawn I didn't mean it, I was just heartbroken," Kayla replied, blushing.

"Heart broken?" I asked, shocked.

"I think I love you Trevor," she said, looking up at me.

"I think I love you to Kayla," I replied, smiling.

We both blushed, and sat there in awkward silence for a bit.

"What should we do?" Kayla asked.

"Your choice," I replied, still smiling like an idiot.

"Do you want to spy on sam and Kayla?" she said, smirking.

"I think that's all we ever do!" I shouted, laughing as Kayla started laughing to.

"So is that a yes?" she asked.

"What do ya think gurll," I said, in a sassy tone.

She laughed, and I grabbed her hand as we made our way to Sam's room.

Finally me and Kayla were friends again.

Mae's POV.

I was sitting in my room, trying to get to sleep, when my phone buzzed.


Hey, this is kian I got your number from Emily ;)

I smiled, at his text and replied back.

M/ hey, wyd?

K/ me, nash, jc , Taylor, Connor and cameron are going to a night club, want to come?

M/ sure why not:)

K/ okay:) meet me downstairs in 10:)

I frantically threw down my phone, and rushed to my suitcase.

What to wear?

What to wear?!

I finally chose a decent enough outfit, this is my outfit.

Mae's outfit:

Black dress with flowy skirt, blue pumps, hair straightened, and black clutch.

I quickly rushed downstairs and saw Kian waiting by the door.

"Hey!" I said, coming up behind him.

"," he said, looking at me.

"Thank you," I said, as I blushed.

He laughed at my blushing, and grabbed my hand.

He led me to a limo outside, and everyone was already there.

"Hey guys!" I said, climbing into the limo.

"Hey!" they all shouted in unison.

We arrived at the club, and started ordering drinks.

"Do you want anything?" Connor asked me.

"Yeah sure," I replied.

I started looking for kian, and saw him in the corner talking to some friends.

"Here we go," Connor said, handing me some pink liquid.

"Thanks!" I replied.

I started drinking, and the rest of the night was a blur, I didn't care what I drank, I just let all my worries go away.

Sam's POV

The movie had finished, and me and Emily were cuddling.

"Hey Emily, want To hang with the others," I asked her.

"Yeah, let me text them," she replied, pulling out her phone.

I patiently waited, and played with her hair.

"Their at a club," she said, looking up at me.

"Do you want to go?" I asked, hoping she would say no.

"Not really," she replied.

"Good me either,"

"Want to makeout?" I asked.

"That's not how you ask a lady," she said in a posh tone, making me laugh.

"Fine, Emily Robinson, will you do me the honor of making out with me," I replied, in a British accent.

She laughed, and we started making out.

"You dork," she said, pulling away from the kiss, then kissing me again.

Emily was amazing.

Nash's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, memories from last night came flooding back to me.

I got up to make my bed, when I realised I wasn't the only one in my bed, and I was naked.



Who did Nash sleep with?

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