Chapter 13

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Emily's POV

I woke up the next day with a cold, which was annoying because I was meant to go and apologise to Nash. After lying in bed for about 30 more minutes, I climbed out of bed and got ready for the day.

"Morning" I heard Kayla say from her bed.

"Morning" I replied back.

"What are you doing today?" Kayla asked starting to wake up.

"Apologising to Nash," I said grabbing my phone.

"Good idea," Kayla said falling back asleep.

I laughed at Kayla as I headed out of our dormitory. I headed downstairs, grabbed some food and went to see Owen.

After walking up a flight of stairs, I came to what I thought was Owens room.

I knocked on the door and waited.

"Can I help you?" a girl who looked about 4 said.

I bent down so I was at her height, "yes, I'm looking for Owen Robinson," I said.

"Owen, someone is here for you I think your getting adopted!" the little girl shouted, as I just laughed.

"Sisi!" Owen shouted, running to give me a hug. I hugged him back.

"How have you been?" I asked Owen.

"Good, I like this place," he said giving me a smile.

"That's good," I said smiling. "would you like to go on a walk with me," I asked Owen.

"Yes please!!!" he shouted, running downstairs.

When we got to the gate we told the guard where we were going. I whistled for a taxi and me and Owen hoped in.

"To the park please," I told the cab driver, as he nodded.

We arrived at the park, and I sat down while Owen started chasing the birds.

Suddenly someone's hands covered my eyes.

"Hi Emily!' Jack G shouted.

"Oh hey jack!" I said.

"Are you ok? you know with what happened last night," Jack G asked.

"Yea, it was mainly my fault, I shouldn't have overreacted," I said looking down at my hands.

"It's fine emily, and I know Nash wants to talk to you," Jack G said winking.

I Punched him playfully in the arm and asked, "what do you mean," jokingly, I knew Nash liked me, Jack G had told me.

"Oh he just want's to "make you his"," Jack G said making quotations with his hands.

"How do you know this?" I said starting to get interested.

"I heard him speaking to himself last night," Jack G replied.

Me and Jack G started laughing at Nash, when we heard someone scream.

I turned around, and there was Owen in the duck pond playing with the ducks.

I laughed.

"I wonder who's baby that is," Jack G said looking shocked.

"It's my little brother," I said still laughing.

jack G just looked at me shocked, " aren't you going to go get him?" he asked.

"He's fine but I'll get him out anyway," I said retrieving Owen from the duck pond.

"Hi, I'm Owen," Owen said giggling to Jack G.

"Hi I'm Jack," Jack G said.

"Are you Emily's boyfriend?" Owen asked.

"No, no, but she is like my sister," Jack G said laughing.

"But she is my sisi," Owen said starting to cry.

"It's okay Owen she is both of our sisters, we can be brothers!" Jack G said, giving Owen a high five as he started giggling.

We sat down and just talked about life, when Jack G got a text.

"Who is it from?" I asked.


He said starting to laugh.

"What did he say?" I said starting to laugh to.

"Time to make Emily mine," Jack G said and we both started laughing.


Hi, I hope you liked this chapter!


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