Chapter Two

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BamBam's POV
I locked my phone and placed it in my bag, then taking my dance practice clothes to change into. This has been my life for the past few months after finding out that JYPE is having an audition here in Bangkok. I've been practicing everyday - no break days in between. I really hope my hardwork gets paid off.

After hours of intense practice, making sure everything is perfect and ready for next week's audition, I took my towel to wipe the beads of sweat on my forehead. I then headed to the shower to clean myself up before going back home to finish up my school work & head to bed because an early night rest is healthy for your body.

As soon as I arrived home, I placed my bag beside my study table and took out my books. That's when I realise it's been hours since I last checked my phone... Has she replied?

I unlocked my phone to find;
Oh oh good luck with practice!! Make sure to practice hard, aye? Nah, I'm not that open, but I guess people think I am especially online. Anyway, I don't want to be disturbing your practice so... su su'! Fighting! Make JYP oppa shocked by your performance ㅋㅋㅋ

What a supportive friend.

Zee's POV
9pm KST. School finally ended. Yeap, it ends pretty late here in Seoul especially when there's extra classes. I mean, education is the top priority if not, you won't be able to graduate with a degree at the end of the day. Well then, I'm glad the homework given today are not that difficult for me to complete. At least I'll be able to get some rest tonight. Uh... yeap, actually getting sleep is a privilege.

Beep beep...

Hey! Thanks for the support! I'll work hard to meet you in person! When I reach Seoul, you'll be the first person I want to meet. I don't know why but I feel really comfortable talking to you although we don't really know each other that well. Anyway, I hope you're at home resting right now! Must've been a long day at school again?

Well... yeap, a long day at school indeed, but when you're surrounded by cool & smart friends, it feels alright.

Hm, no worries. That's what everyone needs when they're doing the things they love. Giving support, whether it's moral or physical support, is an easy thing to do, but it's usually the little help & effort that keeps us going. I know you'll do great! Seriously, don't worry if JYPE don't take you in. Just keep improving yourself, there'll definitely be other opportunities if you put in the right amount of effort!

I then sent another message;
Nah, I'm still on my way home. Schools end really late here when you have extra lessons, which are usually the case because it's hard to get a degree when your country's competitive. Anyway, hope you're doing your revision as well besides practices! All the best! Fighting!

How does one balance being one of the top student in school with work? They just don't sleep. Maybe that's why I haven't been growing much lately. Been too busy with school and work. I just hope next week will be a break for me from school since I'll be away for 3 days to help with the JYPE audition in Bangkok.

As soon as I arrived home, I took a shower then made ramyeon because I was starving and ate it while doing my work. Thank god I was able to complete my work by 12am. I took out my maths revision book and started solving some questions which ended up hurting my head because it was too tough.

After awhile, I heard my phone vibrating...

You too fighting! School must've been tiring and draining you enough. Anyway, you said you worked yesterday... What are you working as? ._. sorry I just want to know how your life is :)

Very tiring. I'm working in a theater. Yeap, hahaha, you know those dramas and musical performed live? Yeah, I'm an actress.

Um, ok safe. I didn't really mention that I'm a TV actress so that's ok, I guess? I can't really tell him my real identity especially when he's about to enter the company I'm under. Not until we meet personally.

I see I see! That must be extra tiring since musicals usually needs a lot of practices. Well then, all the best! But don't forget to rest well. You're still a growing teen. Better get that rests you need.

I can't... not until I get a degree. It's extremely competitive here. Fall sick one day and you'll miss the chance to be the top 10 in school... and if you sleep for more than 6 hours a day, you won't have enough time to revise on your work and do better than anyone else. You'll probably miss out and score badly in tests and exams. It's that stressful. Sometimes I wish I can leave school. But I usually sneak some rest during breaks. And make sure I have 6 hours of sleep in total even at practice sometimes. I'll head to bed first. It's 1am here, need to wake up at 7am so... Goodnight! It's 11pm there right? Don't sleep too late, ya? x

I sent that last message and pulled the covers of my bed to keep myself warm while I sleep. Finally my favourite part of every single day, sleeping in my own comfortable bed. Good night world!

The next day, I woke up and headed out of my apartment to get some fresh air. Since it was a FriYAY, I decided to get ready a little early. It's almost the end of the week and I'm looking forward to the weekends. Moreover, school ends at 4pm today! I'm just hoping today will be a great day...

Hi good morning. Sorry I can't help with school problems, I'm struggling at school too. You're probably getting ready for school now? Well, have fun at school. At least the weekends are coming soon! Hope this weekend won't be too hectic for you! Do you by any chance have any tips for me for the upcoming auditions? Since you're sort of in the entertainment industry in Korea? Sorry if this disturbs you, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's ok I understand.

Oh hey good morning! Up so early huh? Hahaha for now my schedule seems almost empty so I guess it's a good sign? XD anyway, I've got friends in training and they've passed through the auditions by giving in their all. A tip would be just show the judge that you're confident. If you're confident, it's obvious that you'll have a higher chance. But don't be overconfident, no one likes that. Oh and also if you have special talents, do showcase it! Showcase as much talent as you can. Otherwise, impression. Your first impression always counts so give them a good impression. Give them the good vibes. All the best Bam! Su su'! x

All I could think of was BamBam. I don't know why but I'm worried for him. Will he pass the auditions? He seems to have put in so much effort, but knowing the standards, it's not that easy to get to be a trainee in JYPE or any company in general. Oh well all I can do is give him the support and wish him luck.

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