Chapter One

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**everything written are fictional (maybe some facts) and I don't mean to bash any idol groups because I love them all, just saying.

Zee's POV
It's been a long day at school but shoots have to go on. Yeap, that's my life. Being an actress can be really tough especially when both your parents want you to still continue schooling. I don't blame them, however, as I had just graduated from elementary school and am currently in the first year of middle school. Well, in this world, that really isn't enough education, is it? Living in Seoul alone without family can be boring for a 14 year old girl. Well, I had no choice. It's all my parents' decisions. Anyway, back to reality, ugh. I love acting, but late night filming can be extremely tiring.

"Zee, quick! Let's shoot this scene and we're done for the day," I heard my director calling out for me and upon hearing his words, I quickly stood up and get ready for the shoot. I couldn't take this anymore. My eyes were drooping. I needed sleep before school the next day.

The moment I stepped into my apartment, I turned on the heater and lights, hanged my coat, and placed my bag at the shelf near the door. I dragged myself to the bathroom to wash up before heading to bed.

Beep beep...

Ugh... the sound of my phone vibrating annoyed the really sleepy me.

You've got a message from BamBam

BamBam? BamBam who? I never had a friend named BamBam. Hm...

I opened the message and it read:
Hi there, I'm Kunpimook Bhuwakul but you can call me BamBam! I'm sorry if this message disturbs you. I'm sorry to send this in the middle of the night as well, 555. I sent this message thinking we could be friends? I read your bio and saw that you're from Seoul. I'm moving to Seoul soon, hopefully. So I was thinking of making friends! Oh by the way, I'm from Thailand. And I'm 12, international age. I hope to hear back from you! :)

Wow, so a guy from Thailand just randomly messaged me online? I don't even know how to reply. Should I just ignore his message for now and get back to sleep or reply to him now?

Without thinking, my fingers typed:
Hi BamBam! Nice knowing you. Sorry I'm a little tired right now. Long day at school & work, ugh. Don't mind me replying you and introducing myself properly tmrw... sorry. Good night! Don't sleep too late, alright? x And haha idek why but I'm so amazed by your English :)

I decided to then go to bed & catch up on proper sleep that I've been missing for days due to work!

BamBam's POV
She replied! In English! Finally someone I can communicate with. But I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to know her better. Wait, should I reply her? She seem like a really nice girl!

I replied:
Ah ok! I'm so sorry for disturbing you! Have a good rest then! Hope you'll be much more free tomorrow to talk to me :) But thank you for still replying although you're busy & tired. 555 I have English lessons, that's why.

I hope this girl would be a great friend. I don't want to feel lonely when I move to Seoul if I pass the auditions for JYP Entertainment trainee.

The next day
Zee's POV

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up from my lovely sleep. It's already 7am KST. I got out of bed, quickly getting ready for school. Luckily for me, my school was just a 5-minute drive away from my apartment which my chauffeur, I call him Gyoo Samchun, would usually send me. I put on my school jacket, wore my shoes, took my phone and bag, and left the apartment, running down the stairs as I loved taking the stairs down as a morning exercise.

I waited at the lobby of my apartment for Gyoo Samchun, while looking through my calendar to check my schedules that day when I remembered that I have yet to reply to BamBam or whatever this Thai guy was called. I unlocked my phone to find another message from him which I haven't read as I fell asleep by the time he sent it.

I slowly thought of what to reply him:
Morning Mr Bhuwakul!! HAHAHA hi. Before I forget, let me introduce myself. I'm Park Zee, just call me Zee. I'm 13, international age which means 14, korean age. I was originally from Busan, but I'm currently studying in Seoul because my parents sent me here since I was 5. Anyway, why are you moving to Seoul for? I might be able to help you with some things. I've got to go first alright? I'll message you again during my lunch break! x

I quickly locked my phone after sending that message as I saw Gyoo Samchun in his car, outside the lobby area, arrive. I grabbed my bag and quickly walked to the car.

BamBam's POV
7am ICT. I got out of bed and quickly get ready for school. Although honestly, I don't really want to, but well friends and one more year til I graduate so... I'll bear with it. After getting ready, I took my phone and bag down with me. I unlocked my phone and saw a notification from the Korean girl! Oh wait, her name is Zee. I didn't know Koreans have such name but it's a nice name! Anyway, she said she's being sent by her parents to Seoul since 5. Does that mean she's living in Seoul alone?

And so I replied:
Good morning Zee? Haha didn't know Koreans have such name. Oh by the way, you said your parents sent you to Seoul? So you've been living in Seoul alone? Wow, impressive. Um... I'm auditioning for JYP Entertainment. I really want to pursue my dream career of being a dancer or an idol. Hopefully I'll be taken in. I've got school too but ok sure, message me back when you're free? :)

Lunch break
Zee's POV
I dreaded to class just now feeling oh so tired. I'm just glad it's already lunch time. Food, here I come. Haha. I'm starving. My stomach growled when class was about to end and I couldn't hide my embarrassment, but whatever it's finally lunch break!

"Zee! Um... your manager is here," HyeMi, my best friend said to me while pointing at my manager, Da-Mi eonnie.

Ugh, what now? I'm just about to get my stomach filled and Da-Mi eonnie had to show up? I wonder what she wants.

"Zee, PD-nim wants you to follow him to the auditions next week," Da-Mi eonnie said.

"Uhhh. The one in Bangkok?"

"Yeap, I came here to talk to your principal and she allowed you to go for the three days."

I just nodded, "Eonnie, I've got to go now. My stomach's being a burden. I'm hungry..."

I left Da-Mi eonnie & HyeMi behind while I ran to the canteen to get some food to feed my hungry stomach. All I heard was laughter leaving their mouths.

As soon as I got my food, I quickly sat at the nearest table and ate. I swear people would've thought that I've been starving for days although I just ate a piece of bread earlier that day. But one piece isn't filling, is it? Anyway, I quickly finished my food and then checked my phone, remembering that I promised BamBam to talk to him during my lunch break.

Oh wow, he's going to audition for JYP Entertainment? Such coincidence. Um... well, let's hope I don't end up being his judge. It'll be awkward for me... a guy I recently met online is auditioning and I'm the judge? I can't imagine a scenario like that.

I then replied:
Oh wow, JYPE huh? All the best bro! ㅋㅋㅋ JYP oppa is really picky, but no offence I don't really know what he looks for in a person. Zzz. He had a lot of other vocally powerful candidates, I don't understand why he rejected them. Pfft. Please don't tell anyone I said this. I'll get in trouble. Anyways, I'll pray that you'll get in then maybe we can meet up! ㅋㅋㅋ Good luck! It's next week right? Oh and bout my name & me staying alone in Seoul? My parents wanted their daughter to have an English-like name so yeah... my brothers all have Korean names though HAHAHA. Um and yeah I've been living in Seoul alone since 5. I went to an international boarding school for pre-school & elementary.

He replied:
Really? Wow. Let's hope he doesn't reject me. I really want to pursue my dreams. Hopefully I get in & we can meet up! You're really an open person, huh? We only talked for a day and you're telling me a lot & even want to meet up. I'm glad I met you. Hahaha. I can't imagine living on my own at age 5. That's amazing but kind of sad too. I've got to go. Dance practice 555. Talk to you later!

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