LIX. Rumors

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For weeks, Levy wouldn't speak to me, but found time to try and slander my good name. She spread all sorts of lies about me throughout the guild; which always came back to me through my eyes and ears, Mira. At first, everyone believed the rumors, but after a while, they figured out that we had a falling out. Thus, rumors began to spread about what we were actually fighting over. Some theories were either spot on, or along the lines of what really happened; whilst the others had been way off. Gajeel had told me not to pay the rumors any mind, and to leave everything alone, but I had to speak to someone about it; other than him. So, I told Mira... And eventually Lucy, Erza and Bisca. But I didn't tell them what was going on between Gajeel and I; but, Bisca was the only one who knew the whole story, and she swore to keep it a secret. It was a secret Gajeel and I agreed to keep until we were more comfortable with each other. Though, he wasn't good at keeping his end of the deal. He would do little things that would get me flustered, like: brush his hand again my rear when we'd pass each other, or try to kiss me when he thought no one was paying attention. As cute as it may be to him, we still had an agreement. Besides the point.

Levy started spreading rumors, yet again. I wasn't really worried, since everyone stopped believing her for a while, and no one wanted to hear such poppycock so early in the morning. So, I stayed in my office and tried to finish the last bit of work I had to do. By midday, I gathered my things to go out for lunch; which has become a regular thing for Gajeel and I, but we don't go together, we would meet at the cafe and figure it out from there. I was making sure I had everything in my purse when there was a knock at the door.

"It's open." I called over my shoulder.

"Master, we have a situation." Mira closed the door behind her. My heart sank, partially because I was expecting Gajeel, and partially because I had a feeling it was about Levy.

"Levy?" Mira dropped her head a little. "What is it this time?"

"She's been telling everyone that you're pregnant..."

"P-pregnant..." My face grew pale, and my legs went weak. She nodded hesitantly.

"And you don't even know who the father is..."

"I-I need to sit down..." With shaky legs, I plopped myself back at my desk. After trying to pull myself together, I ran a hand through my wavy, blonde locks. "Did everyone...?"

"I'm afraid so..." Mira stated apologetically. "Asuna, look, don't-"

"Bring Gajeel in here please... He requested a meeting with me in five minutes." I lied.

"But Asuna-"

"That would be now, Mira." I turned my back to her.

"Yes master..." Deep down, I knew Mira had understood that I wasn't being rude, but I needed a minute to myself. The door opened, then shut again, which meant that she had gone. I fought the urge to cry and took a deep, unstable breath.

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