Chapter 11 - Unexpected

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I slowly open my eyes as I adjust from the light. I can feel a bit of pain but all in all my body was fine.

Before I go to sleep Sehun tell me that he would be downstairs.

I feel my stomach growl with hunger. I grab my phone from my night stand beside my bed. It's 8:30 of the evening.

I didn't think that getting up from my bed would be so painful but still I managed to get up.

While I was about to enter my bathroom I heard a soft knock from my door.

"Luhan? Are you awake?" ask Lay hyung.

"Ne Lay hyung. I was about to take a shower."

"Ok then. Take a shower, get dressed and go to the dining area as soon as you are finished. We are about to have dinner and Father wants to eat with you."

"Arraseo hyung. It will only take a few minutes."

"Oh yeah you might want to hurry a bit. Because Sehun is already with them and we all want to talk about you something."

"Ok....." I answered calmly but deep inside of me I'm already panicking.

As fast as I can I take a shower get dressed. I want to run but my body can't take the pain so I just walk but my mind is running like crazy.

When I entered the dining area I could see my father's serious face, my mother is smiling along with my brother but I can still feel and serious atmosphere around the room.

"Good evening" I greet them as I take my sit beside Sehun.

"How was your body?" he ask me whispering at my ears. And I could feel his hot breath against my ears which sends ghost bumps all over my body.

'Oh god!' I can feel my face turning hot-red. I'm having trouble breathing and my heart beats like crazy.

I bowed my head so that they can't see that I'm blushing and that my face turned into red like color.

We wait for our foods to be served by the maids. It took 5 minutes for the cops to be completely served. But with that long time of waiting no one even talked. Not even Chen hyung.

I can't eat like this. The feeling is so awkward and silent. I can't bare it! I'm getting more and more nervous and impatient every second.

"Luhan." I turned my gaze to my father who is looking right at me.

"Ne Father?"

I secretly crossed my fingers under the table hoping that he is not mad or something.

"When are you planning to tell us?"

"I.. I was planning to tell you tomorrow. But..."

"But what?"

"But I guess you can't wait that much longer."

"You guess? You've been in love with him for a month now but 'you' haven't tell us a single word. I've been waiting you to tell Mr about it since the party."

"I'm sorry.... Wait... Did you just say since the party?"

"Yes. Since the party. When I saw you standing with him looking so happy I already got the hint that you love him. Because it's been a while since I saw you laugh that way. And my guess is right. A week after the party Sehun pay me a visit at my office and he said that you both have been seeing each other. But I didn't tell or even ask you because in waiting for you to be the one who will bring it up."

I'm so shocked with all of my father have just said. I'm I that obvious? After the party I'm not really sure my self but hence my father and even my brothers know about it already.

"Sehun? Why did you do that?" I glare at him looking as angry as I can.

"What? I just like to be with you legally not hiding from everyone anything. Aren't you happy that they all know about it and that we don't hurt any problems?"

"It's not that I'm not happy. Of course I'm happy but don't you think that it's a little unfair.. no it's so unfair.. that you didn't have me a chance to tell them my self. And why haven't ask me if you could do such an action... and... and..."

I can feel a tears rolling done to my face. All emotions are over flowing from my heart. I can feel sadness and happiness fighting. I don't really know what to do,  what to say and what to feel.

Chen's P.O.V

It's the first time I saw Luhan looking so pail, speechless, sad, happy, nervous, mad, upset, and relive at the same time.

But seeing him looks like that I just can't help to laugh. But that is before I saw a tears rolling down from his eyes.

I didn't expect him to cry. That though didn't even cross my mind.

Lay's P.O.V

Seeing my little brother crying just brakes my heart. Really all of this thing having relationship with is alright with all of us. We just want to see what would be his reaction if we act like it's not alright with us. We don't want him to cry.

We have talked about this while he us asleep. But no one of us think that he might cry.

"Lulu.... "

Sehun's P.O.V

The most terrifying thing you could ever see is the moment that the person you love the most cry.

I've been up and talking with Luhan's brothers and father for 30 minutes before Lay hyung go to his room and tell him that we are about to have dinner.

With that 30 minutes of talking about what are they going to tell him and how to tell him they haven't thought that he might cry or even walk away.

I ask them that what if he gut upset and leave the room but they just said that he won't. And here he is crying and all of us are in shock.

Luhan's P.O.V

All feelings inside my body is over flowing. Tears just keep in rolling down from my eyes. I feel so sorry for not telling them about me and Sehun.

"Luhan/Lulu/Little Brother" I heard them say at once. But I can't tell which is which.

"Son, look at me.  Why are you crying? Did I say to much?" my father ask me concern with his voice.

"No... Appa... It's.... My... Mistake... I didn't... Tell... You..." I managed to answer but I sob with every words and tried to lift my head and look at my father.

"Oh son. I'm so sorry of making you cry. Father is not mad at you."

"But... Just now... "

"Was not real. I can't get mad at you. and you know that. We just want to know it from you. But we are ok with you having relation with him. As long as you love him and he loves you."

"Yahhh~~~ why do you need to act like you are mad? I almost died because of nervousness."

I feel relieved knowing that they are not really mad or me sort of thing. But....

"Who planned this?" I ask as I look at them one by one.

"Your hyungs planned it and we sort of agree with it." Sehun answered.

"But we didn't think that you wouod cry. But I guess we just over act." Lay hyung answered with hurry and reassurance.

"Okay Okay! Enough with the heavy. Let's just eat could we?"

While eating so many thoughts are keep running on my mind. But one thing really makes me happy about it. First-i could be with sehun happily and not having problems about it.

But that's what I thought...

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