Chapter 9

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Seto's POV (Don't even go there)

I wake up to someone picking me up. I try to bite the person's hand but they have freakin gloves on! "Hold still!" a gruff voice says. For once I do as they say. I let my head drop and I don't do anything for the next 5 minutes. I feel my self being put in a chair. I pull my head up and see Sky, True Mu, Sundee, and Ty or coures! "So I bet you are wondering why you are here Seto" Never!  "You Never, call me Seto!" "Fine SetoSorcerer" "Then I guess you know what I am going to ask." "I don't know where she is." "Oh that's not what I was going to ask but I do know where she is. Riley" Riley walks out. She is working for them?! "No-" "Oh yes she is working for us to end hybrids!" I Trusted you! "Well looks like trust didn't work now did it SetoSorcerer!" "Well you know what! I don't care you son of Herobrine! I point at Adam. I hiss at him. "Take him back now!"

I am taken back by a guard and through in my cell. Damn that hurt.  I try to get up but I cant. And to think I actually loved her. Yes i said love!  I let a tear slip through my eyes. No! I cant feel sadness! I claw my face but i didn't know i had my claws out. They must now be permanent. Great. I feel blood dripping from my face. Damn! That hurts even more! I see someone come up to me like in the cell. "Seto!" Riley. "What do you want?" I  spat at her. "You need help!" "No i don't!" I hiss. She picks up my head. I close my eyes so i don't have to look at her. "You really need help!" Before i know it she picks me up and his taking me somewhere. I rest my head on her shoulder. I start purring.

It feels nice to be able to rest my head not on cement. She lays me on a bed and some one screeches. "Oh my  Notch what hapened to him?!." "He's a hybrid and he was caught Ella" "Oh my word!" She- well i guess Ella rushed over to me and started putting something cold on my cuts. It hurts! I scream out in pain. I open my eyes and see a white light in my eyes. I see Riley and I am guessing Ella looking down on me. I hiss at them and I try to lash out with my claws. I don't get anyone but Ella has a frightened look. As she should be. I see Riley giving me a glare as she holds me down. I try to wiggle my way out but all I see is black.

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