Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

What i need a river! They could track my sent! I need one and like fast. Or i just could climb a tree for the night and worry about it tomorrow.... I like the second plan! There's a giant tree right there! It looks easy enough to climb. (one hour later)Well i must have thought wrong! I am only at the second branch!!! Dear Notch help me! We if i get to the third one it looks hidden enough. I muster the last of my strength and pulled myself up to the branch. Hidden, Almost easy to climb, Able to see far out, What more could i ask for! I will just ~Yawns~ take a short nap here. (MORNING SUNSHINE) I wake up to something touching my nose. 5 more minutes. "Its alive." I snap my head up at that remark. I look around and see a kid about 20 in human numbers but in wolf years about 4.

I guess my hood was down because he darted back up in the tree. Very fast strangely. Hey come down i wont hurt you! "Yes you will!" Now how do you know if i will! "Because you have killed my kind before!" My kind has never killed humans! "No but you have killed cat hybrids!" "For no reason!" He does have a point to be afraid. I was always told to has cats but i was never told why. I promise i will never hurt you. "You promise?" I promise. He starts to climb down the tree but very slowly. The next thing i know he is on the ground. Wow you are fast. His eyes turn slits then back to normal.

'Thanks." You are very umm strong?" I laugh thanks. I jump down and land on my feet. Well if i may ask what is you name. "Seto Cat Sorcerer." Ok Seto. "What is your name if i can ask." Riley wolf Jones. "So Riley what brings you out into the cursed world?" I was tired of living in fear so i came here to take be the world and stop hybrids for living in fear. "Well the we might as well go together because i want it to stop to." Then Seto Cat Sorcerer lets go.

Hybrids will hide (Youtube FanFiction) (Might be done, Might not be :/)Where stories live. Discover now