Is this love true?

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I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think. I couldn't speak. I was too startled to move. I guess I should go after Jimin, but what about Yoongi? I need to know what he was talking about. Did I know him before the accident? Ugh this is hard...How am I supposed to know how you feel Jimin if you don't open up to me...

"I'll be right back Yoongi..." I chased after Jimin and saw him lying in his bed holding a picture of a little boy and a little girl sitting on swings. They were smiling and holding hands. It was a cute picture. But, Jimin didn't look too happy looking at it. A tear streamed down his cheek.

"Jimin...don't cry." I said suppressing the feels. He looked at me with those deep eyes. They were so familiar, yet I don't know where I saw them. I walked up to his bed and sat down next to him.

I took a good look at his picture and the girl in it was familiar. And the boy! What the hell?

"Hey, Jimin, who are these people?" I asked. He looked at me and didn't respond for a while.

"They look familiar, that's all." He looked startled and opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but didn't know what.

"I think I have a picture with that little girl in it on my phone..." I said pulling out my phone. I went through all of my old photos and choose one of my pictures of when I was young.

"Well...the boy in it is me..." Jimin said finally. Wait, WHAT! The boy in the picture is HIM! I have that boy on my phone too. My mom said it was an old friend of mine before the accident. Was it really him? Maybe it's a coincidence?

"I have him on my phone too...Here it is." I gave him my phone and then he looked at me.

"Eun-Jeong...there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time...Are your parents in town?" Jimin said in a very serious tone. Does he want to marry me or something? Haha. But why else does he want to see my parents?

"Yeah, they live about half an hour from here. Why do you need them?"

"Come with me. Right now." he grabbed my hand and went out the front door. He forced me into my car and told me to drive him there. No way! Why would I do that? Is he insane?

"Why do you want to see my parents?" I said. He showed me his phone. Their number was in the contacts! He clicked on it and called them.

"Hey, mom, I'm coming over with Eun-Jeong, ok?"

"Oh! Jimin! It's been a while! Of course! I'll make dinner!" my mother replied. I was shocked. Is he just going to come to my house and demand things! And how does he know my mother!? This is too much to take in at once! Why is he calling my mother 'mom'?


That had to have been the most awkward car ride in history. Or, at least my history. The whole time I was trying to get answers, but he would tell me to wait until we go there to ask them! It infuriated me!

We got out of the car and walked inside the house. My mom greeted me at the door with a hug, equal to the one she gave Jimin. I was shook. AGAIN. She acts so familiar with him.

"Come inside! I made dinner!" my mom exclaimed. She ran into the kitchen and began to set the table. I'm now very confused because Jimin knew exactly where to sit, too. This is so weird. I hope I can get some answers.

Everyone sat down for dinner, and I had to start the conversation.

"So, to start off, how does Jimin know you, mom?" Everyone went silent. My mother glanced at Jimin and he looked at his food. They even know what they are thinking. My baby sister gave me the "Don't even look at me" look.

" know about the accident that you had, and how it gave you partial memory loss? Well you and Jimin were best friends. Like BEST friends. It was SO cute. Hehe I have so many cute stories-" my mother rambled on about embarrassing stories of us getting lost in a parking lot and us being set up to be married- wait WHAT!

"Mom, I hope you're joking about the marriage..."

"Yeah, she likes Yoongi." Jimin randomly blurted out. My face turned red and I began to shove more food into my face. Everyone laughed. Even Jimin. This surprised me. I haven't seen him laugh in a long time.

"Jimin..." He looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Were we in love?"

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