A New Friend

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This kid I swear. Does he not know what no means? I guess I'll just tell him that I'll think about him and then he might let me go to practice. I've been skipping a bunch of them and it may effect my career. On second thought, he may just bother me again, so I should just stand up for myself.

"But what if I don't want to be with you? What happens then? Are you just going to hold onto me until you die? Are you going to spend your entire life by yourself? You should just move on now, it'll be a lot easier." His face told me that he didn't buy it and he got up. He stared down on my confused face and I played with my fingers. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"What if I don't find someone else?"

"Then that's on you for having weird standards."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't be the only girl you talk to."


"Jimin? Are you serious?"

"The makeup lady..."

"Date her then."

"She's married!"

"Get rid of the husband then."

"You know I cant do that! Besides, she has kids."

"Fine. Anyone else?"

"The new hair lady?"

"Why!? She's weird."

"She's kind of cute though."

"So what! She has problems."

"I'm going to ask her out."

"Ew fine! As long as you're happy..."

"Thanks for the idea."

"No problem Chimchim. Just let me go to practice."

"Ooh you called my Chimchim."

"Just go!" I dashed out of the room and ran to the practice room. They almost started without  me! Practice was okay. I messed up a bit because they changed up the dancing last minute. We have an interview next week with two different people and we're shooting our new video the day before. At the end of the week I have to do a commercial for a new brand of soda. I saw Seung but she gave me a death glare. I wanted to make things right, but I was very busy. I didn't have the time or energy (or money) to get her to forgive me. I practiced for a couple more hours so that I could get the dance perfect and it got late so I decided to return to my dorm and sleep.


The next morning I got dressed and went down stairs. There was a knock on the door so I opened it and it was Jimin. He was smiling so I assumed that it was a success.

"How did it go?"

"She said that she had a boyfriend but her friend was single so she asked for me to meet her for a date and she  called her and we talked for a while. She seemed very nice. We're  meeting up later on."

"Make sure no one sees you because that would definitely start something up."

"Oh I won't. We have a plan. Anyway, I got to go now."

"Why didn't you just call me?"

"I don't have your number..."

We exchanged numbers and he left. Seung was behind me the whole time, but I didn't notice.

"So  you set him up on a blind date?"

"Not exactly..."

"From what I heard, that's exactly what happened."

"But you didn't hear the whole story."

"I don't have to hear the whole story to know that you're being a bitch."

"Says the one that ignored me for days, even though we live in the same house and have been friends for years, over some random guy who doesn't even like you back."

"I SWEAR TO GOD EUN-JEONG I'M TIRED OF THIS!" Everyone else in our group turned around to see what was going on. Seung liked it when there was a crowd, so I couldn't get out of this one.

"Chill out, I was only telling you the truth."

"No! I'm really done with you and this stupid group! I quit! I'm tired of being overworked and abused here and I'm not getting anywhere with this."


"Nobody treats me well here and nobody respects me."

"That's not really abuse but okay. You're talentless anyway so it wouldn't matter if you left." All of the other girls gasped and Seung's face got redder and redder. She stomped to the door.

"What did you do Eun- Jeong?" one of the girls asked me.

"I guess she figured out that she doesn't always get her way."

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