Will you make me begin?

172 11 4

I stared at him for a while and then he sipped the tea. I'm not sure what to do or say. He's acting like nothing just happened.

"What's wrong jagi?" he said. Okay. I'm going insane. I'm about to flip this table over. I'm done. I don't even know how to respond. What is he thinking? Is he going mental again? He must be insane...I cant figure him out...

"N-nothing...why do you ask?" I stuttered. Why am I stuttering? And why am I sweating?

"You look different...did you fall for me too?" Maybe I did...I'm going to play tsundere though.

"Um who would..." I said looking up at his face for a reaction. He briefly looked disappointed, but then put on a playful smile.

"My heart! You've broken it!"

"You never had one."

I think I pushed it too far. I don't know what's wrong with me... I feel awkward around him randomly. I got up to leave, trying to avoid having to see him sad. Why did I even say that?

"Maybe you're right..." he said while staring at me with those cold eyes again. Why does he always do this. Is he trying to make me get crippling depression? Okay, I'm leaving before this becomes a cheesy Korean drama. I walked out the door.

I walked up to the lady to pay for the tea.

"Your date over there is really hot. You're lucky."

"Haha he is hot, but he's definitely not my date." I dashed out the door and headed to BTS's dorm. Wait, I cant go there! That's so awkward! Ugh, why am I, of all people involved in a stupid harem? I'll go to a motel or something...no wait, all my stuff is in Yoongi's room. Ahh, Yoongi. Just thinking of his name makes me happy. I wonder if he's home yet...


When I got back, I went inside Yoongi's room but he wasn't there. I walked into the living room and saw Jungkook lying on the couch watching tv. I don't know why it made me blush though...He looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh, the princess is back! Hey, I wanted to take you somewhere anyway." the international playboy strikes again. I wonder why all of these boys like me so much... oh well. I don't have anything else to do.

"Where to...international playboy?" I couldn't help myself. I just couldn't.

"Haha very funny, but seriously I want to take you somewhere far away...somewhere we cant be disturbed..." Well then...sign me up! Haha, no I'm good...doesn't sound very safe.

"I'm good..."

"NOT LIKE THAT! It could be...if you want it to..."

"Again, I'm good."

"I was joking. I wouldn't waste it on you..."

"Haha then good luck going there on your own."

"I will shove you in the car and tie you to the seat if you don't." I'm going to come with him peacefully so that I don't feel like I'm being kidnapped.

"Oh god...I'm coming...just let me get dressed..." I said cautiously while walking into Yoongi's room. I quickly got changed into something more appropriate. I grabbed my belongings and ran out to meet him. He was leaning on his car casually. This made me smile randomly. He looked so cool, yet cute at the same time. Boys make my head hurt sometimes.

"Hey Jungkook...where are we going?"

"To the movies."

"Haha we can still be bothered at the movies."

"Whatever." We got into the car and he began to drive away, but I thought the movie theater was the other way....

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