Who Am I?

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OK, so there will be really slow updates on this, I have the worst teachers, I swear they see my name and put me in all of the hard classes. So I have homework, projects, volunteer work, sports, clubs, chores, and sisters to juggle around before I can get 10 minutes of peace. And those 10 minutes will be put into updating, promise. Once, I have a whole chapter, I'll post it. This isn't an excuse, I just want everyone to know that I have other commitments.


"Hey loser!"

"What's up freak?"

"Yo nerdy!"

"Aye emo!"

"Dude, I heard she scared the guys away from the skate park just by showing up."

"Ew, she's still here, I thought she would've killed herself by now."

"Why does she think she's so cool? She walks around like she's all bad. I mean ISS(in-school-suspension) doesn't make you bad."

"You know the quarterback, Vincent? Yea, she put him in the hospital for two months. She is such a moron."

Those are the first things I heard when I got off of the bus. I mean sure, I dress like a mixture between a skater and an emo, and I don't ever dress girly. Sure I'm not the best behaved, and sarcasm just rolls off my tongue when someone talks to me. Oh, don't forget, I'm a smart kid and wear those glasses that just repel people from coming near me. But they shouldn't hate me this much. I'm just your average outcast, right? But when I heard that last statement everything came rushing back to me.

Last year I got fed up with all of the teasing and pushing and shoving, so when their precious quarterback (yes he got to be quarterback in freshman year), Vincent, had the nerve to slap me, I lost it. He pushed me into a locker and started down-grading me just like every day, and I just stood there, taking in the words. Usually I just look down when he does this, but then he brought my parents into this. When he said my mom was a slut I snapped my head up and glared into his eyes. That shocked him, I could tell, his eyes showed that he was a bit frightened and then I saw guilt flash through, but as fast as the emotions came up, they vanished. He started teasing me more about my family, all lies, mind you. Not a single thing he said was true. But then he slapped me, twice, then he kneed me in the stomach. That's when my fuse blew out.

I pushed him off of me, it was unexpected so he stumbled back but caught himself before falling. I stepped forward and jabbed him in the stomach, then brought his head down so his nose met my lifted knee. He clutched his gushing nose and I kicked his knees from under him. He fell to the floor and I kicked his sides repeatedly. Then the rush of adrenaline I had suddenly vanished, I came back to my senses and stopped. By now, I was sitting on him, punching his already black and blue face. I bolted up and ran through the crowd that had gathered. But not before whispering a sorry.

That stunt had gotten me a referral, detention for 3 months, and ISS for 2 weeks. On top of that I had to say sorry to his parents. surprisingly, his dad understood why I lashed out, but his mom, well, lets just say she isn't my biggest fan.

Well her exact words were, "You are just an attention seeking whore!" That hurt, sure, but it's nothing new.

But my punishment doesn't stop there, of course not. You see I do volunteer work at the hospital. I hate it there, the walls and ceilings, and stenches from every corner, not to mention the screaming and yelling and crying. Gosh, the crying, I want to rip my ears off! But, I love working with the patients there. That's the reason I still go there. I volunteer with the cancer patients. I work with the elderly and the children. Honestly, before the volunteer work, I hated little kids and young teen punks with a passion. But now I couldn't bear being angry at them. And the elderly, well, I've always felt a little something for the elderly. 

Well, you see, I had to fill a shift for a girl that was going on an early vacation to Hawaii. Lucky chick. Anyways, so I had to visit her patients as well, and one of her patients just so happened to be Mr. Popularity with a side of a bruised up body.

So twice every week, I had to go to his room. Can you imagine what I was about to get myself into? It can't be pretty, I'll tell ya that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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