DG Extra 1 - Riccy's POV, The Reaping

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Okay, so this is going to be a random collection of different POV's and scenes I write on my iPod when I'm not able to write the real story. Sorry for any mistakes - iPod ain't the best to write on....

 If you want someone's POV on something, ask, and I might do it!! (or at least put it behind my ear and remember the request...)

So this is a collection of short drabbles... SHORT, most of them.

 This is posted as a birthday gift to my sister @ _sunsetgirl_!!!! Happy b-day, sis!! :)

 <3 Anna


Cassie, Will and Adina are about to leave. They'll walk together, and I'll walk with my family. Though the Wildeman's are so close that I consider them family, too.

Especially Cassie.

She's so strong, yet so vulnerable. I was able to see through her when she closed up after her parents' death, and I'm so glad I did it, 'cause Cassie is a wonderful person.

The way we two complete each other is the way best friends do, the way sister and brother do. We'll meet our end together.

I can never survive without Cassie - she's the one to guard my back, the one to make me see sense when I'm totally wrong.

 Together we fight for our family.

 I walk beside Brendt, our shoulders bumping together every now and then, and Eric is having a piggy-back on my back all the way. As we arrive to the edge of the reaping area, we hug each other, in a special order, as always.

 I wrap my arms around Melisea. My sister is like a flower - beautiful, but breaks easily. I give her a soothing stroke on the cheek.

 Then I hug Cassie.

 Cassie, whom I've taught everything I know. I've taught her to survive.

 She looks so pretty in the dress Denlay gave her - it hugs her curves and makes her look feminine, but it also brings the hard muscles in her slim, tanned body into focus.

 My little fighter, my Cassie-girl.

 With a last look at her face I follow the other boys to our places. I glance back, and see Cassie, Melli and Denlay disappear into the crowd.

 The sun shines brightly, and the blue sky is looking way to happy to match the dark mood of the crowd. I give my brothers the usual hugs - or more like awkward patting on each other's backs - before leaving for my place in the reaping area.

 My friends greet me with silent nods and worried glances. We all feel the same, and it's hard to pretend that we aren't afraid.

 I 'sleep' through the mayor's speeches, just like everybody else does - it's the same speech every year. He could start using some imagination at least.

 When our District's escort, Violet, steps forward, a low mumble can be heard around me. Everybody are wondering who this year's tributes will be.

 I'm not wondering - I'm only hoping it won't be anyone I care for.

 As always, Violet reaches into the girl's ball first. I can only think, not Melli, not Cassie, not Denlay.... My wishing is useless.

 "Cassidy Wildeman!"

 A scream rips the air as Cassie bravely walks to the stage. In the corner of my eyes I can see Melli crying, and Adina thrashing in my parents arms. But I do not care.

 I'm about to lose Cassie.

 Nothing can compare to the friendship we have, nothing. If she's gone, so am I. My eyes are locked on her as she searches the crowd, stopping on familiar faces, before settling on my face.

 I see how scared she is. This is her worst nightmare - getting chosen. I just hope she can be strong enough to survive, because I need her by my side. My little sister who knows everything there is to know about me, better than I do myself.

 I can't stop staring at her, and even from this distance, I can make out the shade of her always changing blue eyes. Ice cold blue, hard, strong. There will be no cracks in that ice, and I'm glad. Proud of her. Her poker-face has always been her speciality.

 Cassie might look innocent at the first glance, but she isn't. She will do whatever it takes to survive. She's hard as a rock, she's smart, she's quick, and she's good with knives.

 She can win this.

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