DG Extra 2 - Evan's POV, The Reaping

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So here's Evan's POV of the reaping!! Sorry for typos... I'm on my iPod.


I've been dreading this day. I don't want to be a mentor. I don't want to go back to the Capitol. Don't want to be caught up in the masses of people, the rich smells, the flashing lights and chattering voices. The Capitol citizens' painted faces disgust me, but it's their awful life-style and inhuman ways that makes me hate them. 

They truly are despicable. 

Watching kids kill each other - while they party and put money on their favorites. Eating more than they need, then puking to eat more, while people in the district's are starving. 


I pull on clothes, and choose wisely. In the Capitol everyone will be assessing my choice of clothes today, I am aware of that. Sigh. 

I hear a knock on the door. 

"Evan, are you ready?" 

It's Finnick. He lives in the house next door, with Annie. I know that they're in love, but they never show it in public. Snow has threatened Finnick, and I know I'm soon going towards the same thing. The problem with me, though, is that I don't really care for anyone. At least not from District 4. I have great friends in the Capitol, but no one can hurt them. So Snow can't use anything against me. I've never been close to my family, I don't have a girlfriend. It's actually very hard to hurt me.  

Finnick was my mentor in the games, and he's a great friend of mine. I recently invited him to my team - he really is trustworthy. Now hearing his voice makes me feel even more depressed, 'cause I know I can't drag it out anymore - I have to go and face the crowd.  

I wish Finnick would be a mentor this year, but he says that when he finally has the chance, he'll stay with Annie. He'll be with me next year.  

I understand, but I'm still disappointed. I want him by my side - this is not going to be a happy thing for me. More like re-living my nightmares. 


I shake my head, and go to the door. Finnick is there, giving me a reassuring smile. 

"Don't worry, man, you'll be alright. This is going to be nothing compared to the games." 

I relax slightly. He's right. I've won the games, what do I have to fear? There can't be anything worse. 

I follow Finnick and we meet up with Annie along the way. She's slightly mentally damaged after the Arena, but Finnick's presence keeps her close to normal, even though it's a reaping day. 

We arrive at the square, and I see the mass of kids lined up in sections. One year ago I was there, standing amongst them. Now I sit on a comfortable chair on the stage, waiting to see which two children I will have to train, and probably watch them die.  

I realize that this whole morning I've been selfish, thought only about myself. Not once have I thought of the two kids sentenced to death from my District. 

And I know that this year, there's no being sure that the tributes are Careers.  

The disease has shook the whole District, turned our world off it's tracks, and I'm pretty sure there aren't volunteers. So I might be coaching two twelve year old kids at the end of the day. Lovely. 

Finnick sits beside me, Annie on his other side. An older woman, a victor named Mags, staggers across the stage with the help of Lydya, a still quite young female victor. 

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