DG Extra 4 - June's POV, The Capitol

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Okay, here's a really short bit for you... I'm working on Axara right now, but I want to make it long and detailed so, I'm about halfway. Editing this later, please point out TYPOS!!!

Trying to get DG chap 29 up tomorrow, if I can't, you'll gonna have to wait... But we'll see.

Comment and vote please!

<3 Anna


 I grab the dirty plates off the table, keeping my head down, not making eye-contact with anyone. Caro is there, sitting by the table, so close, yet so far away. Never again will I be by her side, be second in command in Team Capitol Elite. No, now I'm a servant, an Avox. Mute. Unable to lead a team of elite rebels. But what I am capable of, though, is starting an own team amongst the Avoxes. I've already learned that news spread quickly between us, 'cause we listen without being heard. No one bothers to lower their voices when we enter the room, or cut off the conversation. The thought that we can share what we hear never hits them. To them, we're mute - we are unable to communicate in any way.

 That's not true. Older Avoxes use sign language, and new Avoxes learn it pretty quick, too. I knew it from the beginning, of course, but...

 And with people who don't understand sign language, we write on small, thin notebook-pages that can be burned, or even swallowed if needed.

 Avoxes know a lot. About what's happening, about different buildings and everything underground, about secrets.

 That's why I need to deliver information to Caro. But I can't muster the strength to even look at her.

 My best friend since I was five. My sister, my twin, the one who has my back.

 But she thinks I'm dead right now. I know she does.

 My old team-members have discreetly searched the dungeons, paid Avoxes for information. But they've been told that June Willis isn't in the dungeons. Of course not. 'Cause I'm here, serving Caro, having her back all the time. Just like I did before.

 Except for one thing.

 I do it from the shadows now.

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