(3) Maybe He Is Not That Bad

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I see myself standing there waiting for someone. A hand comes around my waist that turns me and pulls me into his chest. His arms are wrapped around my waist protectively. I feel safe and secure in his embrace. "I love you and I'll always keep you safe no matter what happens!" He said I try to recognize his voice but fail. I look up to see who he is but then I am suddenly pulled away from his embrace and someone pushes me into dark room. I land on the floor with a thud. I cry  out in pain but feel like no one is there for me. But then suddenly a ray of light comes in the room. A guy starts walking towards me. I couldn't figure out where I saw him before but his feature tell that he is relief that... I am safe? I could see his eyes which are beaming with happiness. He looks so happy that I am safe... but who is he? I start to get up but then everything turns black and I could hear some noises no actually a heart warming music... HANDS FITS IN MINE LIKE ITS MEANT JUST FOR ME BUT BE- I woke up with sweat all over my face. I see my alarm ringing and hear Little Things by One Direction playing. I dismiss it and get up and go to the washroom to get ready for school. Yeah I don't regret much going to school. While taking shower I wonder who was that guy to whom I was so important or looked liked I was. I got that thought out of my head and wrapped a towel around me and started walking towards my closet. Grabbing my lingerie with a plain neon green shirt with some jeans and my vans I started to change. After putting my hair in a high ponytail I grabbed my school bag and went to the kitchen and there I saw a note

Hi honey,

I know its not right for us to leave like this but can't help it your dad got a really urgent work to do in Los Angeles and we both needed to go there a real quick. We are going to be away for two weeks. Your aunt is also busy so she wouldn't be taking care of you this time. Don't worry you aren't going to be alone, one of my really close friend, Mrs. Ella Stevenson is going to take care of you actually it would be more like you are going to stay at her place for next two weeks. Please don't hate us it was the last option left. Your breakfast is kept in the kitchen and after coming from school today pack your bags and her driver would be at our place to pick you up by 7. Don't be late.

All the love from,


What The FUCK! I have just heard about Mrs. Stevenson from Mom and now she expects me to live with her. But wait she is also busy like mum- wait you are getting late talk to yourself on the way.

Then I locked the house and went to take my cycle.

"OH SHIT!" My cycle is punctured! God I should have asked dad for a bike or something!

After that I started fast walking so I wont get too late for the school. I heard my name calling out from some where behind me. I turned around and saw the one and only

AIDEN! WHY!!!!!!!!

"Hey Hazel come in let me drop you to school why are you tiring yourself up?" He said

I was going to say something mean but then I realized that his tone was sincere and he wasn't kidding. Hazel don't be rude maybe he isn't that bad!

I passed him a THANKFUL SMILE and opened the door to the passenger's seat.


"Wow someones in a goody moody!" he said in a playing tone after putting the car into ignition. "Not that goody moody" I said remembering bout my mum's note.

"What why?" he said looking towards me for a second then having attention back on the road.

"You know my parents are out for some work for 2 weeks and I need to stay with one of my mum's friend till then who I even don't know!"
"Oh!" He said then there was a comfortable silence till we reached our school. I got out and thanked him once again before heading towards the building.
Many kids were passing me weird looks. Then I saw Emily... all freaked out!
"You fucking took a fucking lift from the fucking Aiden Stevenson!!" She said all shocked
"Okay first stop this fucking shit! And we met on the way, he asked me if he could drop me so I said yes cause I dont want to be a bad girl now! I have already been a bit rude to him earlier but I think it wouldn't be that bad to know him... so... yeah" I said while we both made our way towards our locker.
I grabbed my required stuff and went to my classes.
Then fourth period came... GYM yaya!!
"Hey so what are you doing in gym?" Emily asked me.
"I have taken football... you?" I asked her while changing into my gym clothes.
"WHAT! you know this right that our school just has a boy's football team not of girls cause not much girls are interested in sports and who are they all play polo." She said.
Okay... wow!
"Lets see what happens then!" I said
Then she went into the gym and I went in the field.
"Good morning coach! I am the new admission Hazel Kent and I have choosed football for my gym." I said introducing myself to the coach
"Oh Hello Hazel it's really good and shocking that a girl in our school is playing football, so I hope you are really good at this" He said... wow I always get someone good as my football coach!
"Yes I am! Sir my friend told me that there is no girls team here so then will I play with the guy team? " I asked hoping the answer was yes!
"Oh yes you have to play with the guys! Let me call them here and then we'll introduce you"
"All of you come here!" He shouted
Everyone came rushing towards the coach.
"So now we have Hazel Kent here who has taken football as her choice in gym. She is good at football and now redistribute your teams" He said dismissing us.
"Fine then lets divide the teams" This was said by.... AIDEN!
Wow he is also in my gym class! Unbelievable!
I saw his face ... actually everyone was amused by my arrival!
Then the teams were divided and I was so happy that Chad my neighbor was in my school and was in my team... yayaya
As always I became the goalkeeper... and again our team won!
Aiden was in my opposite team and he tried 3 times to goal... but I saved it!
After that my team was cheering a lot! And many guys came and praised me for my skills! Aiden also passed me a smile letting me know that I played well!
The bell rang and we all went to the changing room. Emily has already left for the canteen so I quicky changed and made my way towards the canteen.
"Hey you played well!" Aiden said coming from behind.
"Thanks!" I said and passed him a genuine smile.
"So since when are you playing football?"
"Since 5 years or something" I said
"Oh good! So like to sit with me in canteen?" He asked a bit nervous
"Bad boys a bit nervous eh!"  I said gigging
"Shut up just answer!"
"Umm okay but I'll just say a Hi to my other friends there!"
"You have other friends too?" He asked
"Yes remember Dylan, Jasmine, Mia?"
"Oh yes how could I forget Dylan!" He said laughing
Then I remembered what happened between Jacob and Dylan... LOL
"Fine so now go and sit with Ryder, I'll be back soon!"
"Wait how do you know Ryder?"
"You know after that break he came to me and asked what happened between Dylan and Jacob so then only I met him"
"Yeah... I'll be right back"
After saying that he went to Ryder and Jacob and I went to Jasmine Mia and Emily.
"Hey peeps!" I said
"Hey please don't tell us that now you are with Aiden" Dylan said fake hurting and keeping his hand on his jaw
We all laughed !
"No way we are sort of acquaintance maybe or sort of friends... idk" I said all confused
Again the table broke out into laughter.
"Umm guys Aiden asked me to sit with him today and I said yes... dont miss me much"
"Oh okay sure we won't just tell us everything that happened there!" Kim said
"Of cousre.... Emily like to join me? Maybe Dylan gets beat up this time" I said smirking and she blushed hard
"Yeah please take her!" Sasha said
"Stop wasting my lunch and come now" I said taking her out of her seat
"Hey!" I said to the the three bad boys
"Welcome back!" Ryder said
"Mind if Emily sits with us? " I asked and then Jacob took his eyes off of his phone and saw Emily with a smirk!
"No need to ask" He said grabbing Emily and making her sit on his lap... Aww
"Wohooo" Aiden and Ryder shouted and I laughed.
Emily was blushing hard!
I sat between Ryder and Aiden
"Hey want to make Jacob jealous?" I said whispering in Ryder's ear and then doing the same with Aiden.
They nodded and passed me an expression of GO AND START
"Hey Emily how good is Harry in bed with you?" I asked with smirk on my face
Emily had a shocked expression on her face and she told me to shut up... Oh shit she is so dead cause I referred to Harry Styles her favourite band member from 1D
"C'mon Emily everyone knows how much you LOVE Harry with all your heart! "
Jacob was having an unreadable expression. Emily was almost going to faint!
"Fine stop enough!  Jacob will die if you continued! " Ryder said
Awwie bestfriends!
"Jacob she is talking about Harry Styles from that boy band One Direction! " Ryder said and we all started laughing and now Jacob had a smile on his face.
"So now Harry Styles is more important to you than me?" Jacob asked
I knew she was about to say No but I interfered
"Yes of course he is!  After all he came into her life before you so she considers him more important! "
"Really?" Jacob asked Emily
She shook her head in disagreement
"So Hazel is your boyfriend going to deal with this Love of yours with this boyband?" Ryder asked
"Yes actually if that guy disrespects 1D then she'll never ever date that guy!" Emily said almost shouting
"Then I think I need to like this boy band!" Aiden said
And I fucking dont know why I blushed!
shit is happening mayn!
He was about to reply when the bell rang and he said bye and rushed out .... nvm we have same chemistry class
Then we all got out and went to our classes.
I entered in my class and saw that Aiden is misisng...hmm...
The rest of day went out well... but the whole time I thought about Aiden-His eyes-My Dream - his voice
Yes I also realized that it was Aiden who said all those things to me. Now a part of me was craving to see him to hear his voice and have fun around him.... and guess what that part is none other than my fucking HEART!
The last period got over and I started taking out my assignments and home work from my locker and went out of the school gates towards the bike lot but then I realized that AIDEN DROPPED ME! why is it always him to end up in my thoughts... uhhh I am so ruined!
Then I started walking. I heard a car beep. I turned and saw that it was Chad... Goodness it wasn't Aiden... fish another time I am thinking bout him.
"Hey you don't have a ride? Shall I drop you?" He asked
"Umm sure! Thanks!" I said
I went and sat at the passengers seat
We both talked about almost everything that we could think of but the secret of mine was still not out of my mouth.  We reached in front of my house I thanked him again waved at him and went in my house unlocking it. Oh I need to pack up my stuff for moving. Uhh this is horrible!
Then my phone buzzed it was mom
"Hey mom!"
"Honey see I am in a hurry and I called to inform you about your moving in with my friend. Also she has a son,I dont know his age but please make yourself comfortable"
"Okay mom I'll try... when are you coming back?"
"In two weeks hun... and remember me and your daddy love you a tons!"
"Yeah mom I love you too, see you soon bye!"
"Oh yes Hazel her driver will come to pick you up at 7 so stay ready! "
"Ohaky mom bye"
"Byee hun!" With that she ended the call.
I quickly packed my bag and did all my home work. I watched a bit of TV then listened to some music.
I glanced at the clock, it was already 6:30pm so I changed into something presentable but comfy. It was 7. The door bell rang. I opened the door and saw a man in around his forties.
"Good evening ma'am Mrs. Stevenson send me to pick you up. Can I have your baggage?"
"Yeah sure!" I said and passed him my small suitcase. I had a training bag and my school bag in my hand. He opened the door for me and I sat in though I don't like someone doing this for me but he was so sincere I couldn't say no. After like 15 or 20 minutes the car stopped and I saw a mansion coming in my view. The mansion was just breath taking.
He led me in the porch, he rang the bell and the door opened. A kid around 7 years was standing there holding hot wheel car in his hand. He run in and shouted "Mom she is here!" Then a lady in her 30's was appeared. She had a welcoming smile on her face.
"Hello Hazel meet my son Damon and I am Mrs. Stevenson but please call me Ella" she said hugging me. I hugged ber back
"Hello Ella nice meeting you!" I said
"And Hi Damon!" I said kneeling down and giving a cheek on his kiss.
I felt another person presence around me.
"And meet my elder son-
I looked up and saw

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