(7) And Here Comes The Truth

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Hazel's POV
One second Aiden was looking furious and the other second he disappeared. I looked for him and saw him on the stage beating the crap out of Jason. I rushed towards him and got in between their fight. Aiden was Continuously throwing punches at Jason and Jason was helplessly taking them. Aiden was about to throw another punch when I stood in between them and waited for the pain to come but it never came. He has stopped his hand in mid way and his eyes were showing so many emotions that I couldn't decipher them. He took my hand and let us out of the club. We sat in the car and he drove .... At a very high speed! If the situation wasn't this serious then I would have been enjoying the ride but....
We reached his place and ... And he came and opened my door ... Wow even being this furious he remembers to open my door.... Woah!
I get out of the car and follow him. I feel a hand coming in contact both my palm and I realise that he has entwined our fingers .... And damn you butterflies in my stomach don't you know a thing to be 'Quiet'?
He straight away took me to his room and pushed me on a wall ... Gently may I add
"Your insecure about yourself?" It was that straight question that I never ever wanted to answer...
I just looked down cause I didn't wanted to have an eye contact with him . He put his fingers on my chin and made me look up at him
"Answer me" he said huskily
"A-Aiden i-i know that my secret won't be that big of a secret and that.... Deep but it still is -
I was cut off by him
"Do NOT refuse to take it out this time Hazel" he said and I took it as my queue
"Yes! I am insecure about myself" I said and looked down again
"Aiden you may now see me as a girl who has curves and all that but back in Edinburgh it wasn't the same..." I told him and he hugged me tight ! He took me to his bed and made me sit on it comfortably. He looked me in a way that said go on am here for you
So here goes nothing....
"Aiden back in my home town I had that imperfect body and... I was very self conscious and yes I was a geeky nerd as he said ... And Jason's best friend Ian was the guy that I had a huge crush on and he was a bad boy and a player too. Being a nerd I always thought that bad boy and nerds do fall in love and at that time I though it's true cause I have read it many times. Jason then one day started to befriend me and I thought it maybe a good think to get close to his friend ... I didn't want to use him but you know like a plus point? Yeah so we became friends and then I started to come close to Ian ... my sister also started becoming good friends with them... Actually she was friends with them but then it went on further .... Ian started being good to me and being a guy that I wanted to be with so I took it as a positive sign... But then later I saw him sucking mouth with a slut of our school and he was all bad mouthing about how I was a dare and he was saying things like I'm such a fat person and I'm no where near a girl for who any guy will fall and you know all that shit ... It all broke me my world came crashing down . His words didn't just break me but also put my self confidence down. I felt so bad about myself . And that's when I started to play soccer more so that I can lose weight and fat . Soon after few days he was my sister's bf. I told her that he isn't a good guy and I told her everything but she defended him and I broke again cause I had no one at my side. I didn't have friends in that school so I started getting invisible but I miserably failed cause of course I had a twin and having a twin is not like a usual thing but a rare thing... And when that thing came up that I was my sister's twin yeah that's what I was called in my school cause she was famous and I wasn't and with that this also came up that I was used and I was tricked . My life was a living hell . I thought maybe Jason will be on my side but I came to know that he planned it all and that shattered me into pieces. After that I became more self conscious about myself I started to question about my imperfections.  My innocence my purity was used. But then something did happened that made me get over all this shit and gave me a reason to live again but that's a story for another time. Yeah then when my dad told that we have to shift here I was extremely happy but then my sister refused to this so after a lot of discussion it was planned that she will stay there with my grandparents and I will come here to California. And then I met you and you are ... You know a play boy and bad boy so I feared coming near to you.... And that's why I always pushed you away.... I know now you will not want to be anywhere near a girl like me and I understand -
I was cut of by a pair of lips smashed onto mine. I freezed for a second but the way Aiden pulled me on his lap and was holding may face I had to give up and kiss him back. I lost my first kiss and I don't know why but I like this feeling .
We parted to breathe and he looked me in my eyes and said
"I love​ you Hazel Kent! And NO I am not going to leave you not now ... Never ! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me i know it's really early but yes I do love you Hazel ! If only I was there in Edinburgh with you I wouldn't have let all those shit happened to you cause I haven't fall for how you look but for who you are ! I want every piece of yours to be mine I want your soul I want your heart and .... I wa- no I NEED You! So baby girl your mine and you are going to be forever.... I wanna know what good happened to you that you got a new reason to live.... Will you please tell me?"
Wow he really wants to know that reason???
"Aiden you won't understand that thing if I told you cause it-
"Shut the fuck up Hazel you really think that I won't understand ?" He didn't shout on me but he said in hurt.
"Come on Aiden I don't want to brag about One Direction in front of you! You're gonna think of me as a freak because that's what everyone think when they come to know that I'm a directioner!" I told him holding back my tears
His eyes softened and he told me
"Cupcake I'm not everyone am I? I am your 'The one' you can take it out Hazel cause i know you haven't got a chance to do that yet"
And he was right ....
I stood up and started to go to my room but a hand stopped me
"I just told you such a deep line and you replied by leaving me?" He said all confused and ifdk what emotion
I chuckled and said
"Patience Aiden I'm going to get your answer only from my room"
"Oh... Then lemme come with you!" He said realising that I actually didn't make a joke of this situation .
We went to my room and I searched in my school bag and took out a journal. I opened it on the right page and gave it to Aiden. He was just seeing me doing all this without any expression on his face. He took the journal and started reading it and his expressions changed but I couldn't decipher what they were. After maybe 10 mins or something he put down the journal and looked at me with .... Love in his eyes and gave me a heart warming smile. He came and hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I felt so saved when I was in his arms. Now he knows the real me he knows everything about me cause in that journal I had written about how I became a directioner how the lads saved me how they made me smiled how they made me ignore everything in my life how I always chose them above everyone else and how I found my true love yes my true love is one direction because they were the people who made me feel complete for the first time ever in my life.
"Baby are you actually gonna chose oned over me?" Aiden asked me and he called me baby??? Wth shitttt
"YES!" I said with a full blow smile on my face and he chuckled at me. I'm so happy that he didn't made a fun of this cause that's what the cruel world do.
He then picked me up bridal style and kept me on my bed.
"Aiden i still have to change" I told him and he gave me a 'thinking' look and said the most unbelievable things ever
"Okay so here is a deal Hazel you wear my tee shirt and sleep with me and as in like just sleep nothing else and if you don't then One Direction's swear I'll take you right here because you look smoking hot in this outfit " he told me and passed a smirk
Omg Ima rip that smirk off his face ! I just gave him an 'wtf look' and got up
"Fine wheres ur tee that I have to wear u dumbass shit " I said because I was not in a mood to have an argument. He looked so happy when i said that and his face glowed up like a baby and believe me or not he looked a bit like Damon. Lol .
He rushed to his room and came back with a tee of his.
"Here it's my favorite tee and I want you wearing it !" He beamed with joy and happiness ... What is this guy!
I made my way towards the washroom and he shouted 'you know you can change right in front of me!' and I just blushed and went in the washroom. After changing and getting ready for bed I got out and saw him already lying on my bed with his sweatpants on and no shirt.... Oh God his abs ! I can drool over them for a lifetime.
I made my way towards him and lie down next to him but maintained distance. However a hand came and pushed me towards its owner... Aiden i smiled and then I went into a deep slumber sleep thinking that I actually found my prince ....


Okay so here is the next part where all the truth has been led out
The story of course doesn't ends here cause there are secrets in Aiden's life also that are yet to enclose
So guys pls read my story share it vote on it and comment
And about the one direction part I'm actually a huge fan of them and I just wanted to get out a small summary of my feelings for them somewhere so I chose my story to have it written here !
Also the photos on top/side are from my fan account on insta please follow it if you like
It's _onedirection_5_
I love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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