(8) My Mini Tour |1|

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Hazel's POV
I woke up with sun rays hitting my face. Man can't these rays go and irritate someone else? I just want to sleep and cuddle with my pillow that is actually really strong!
Wait from when onwards pillows became strong? Oh fuck wait it's Aiden with whom I am snuggling and it's his arms that I called a strong pillow ... I am surely out of my mind right now ! I then started look at his godly features and remember what all happened last night .
Now he knows the real me. He knows what inferiority issues I have.... But fortunately he didn't leave me but have stayed with me and I hope he does for forever .
Okay so now last night was a really sober and depressing and Serious kind of night and so now today I'm gonna make his day very very very happy and joyful !!!! Because
1. He understood my love for one D
2. He doesn't find them Gay
3. He supported me
4. He is still here with me after knowing my 'issues'
So to make him happy is by annoying him ..... Smirks that devilish smirk
I slowly tried to get up but of course because he is so well built!
So I jumped and put everything in me to have that successful jump so that his hands are removed from me and then I shouted
He first looked at me with that 'wtf' look then smiled a bit and then whispered 'sleep'
What the official fuck
This person just ruined my mood
I mean it's a damn Saturday morning and- wait it's Saturday! Ella told him to take me out and show me California .... I have got a plan!
"Fine Aiden you don't want to wake up don't... I'm going to roam in the streets of California alone ! And remember I won't be back till 12 am so don't wait up for me !" I said slowly getting out of the bed and making my way towards the door. I had just opened the door a bit when a hand came and slammed the door. I squealed because of this and turned around but lemme tell you that was the worst mistake of my life. Aiden was standing so close to me like really really really close! I could feel his warm breath fanning my face.
"Your not going anywhere without me... Do you get it?"
"And why shall I obey your orders?"
And what he said caught me off guard. He came more nearer and whispered in my ears
"Cause you are mine"
My breath hitched and then suddenly my phone rang. My ringtone was Drag Me Down by One Direction and Harry's high note part bust out from my phone
Due to this Aiden stepped a few steps back and that was my queue to leave. So I made a quick move and opened the door ran for my life and got out of his house . Probably it took him few seconds to come back to his senses because when Harry sings his high note people are tend to lose their conscience. Oh fuckkk I forgot im LIVING with him
(A/N: I actually did forgot that she was living with him 😂)
"Hazel what are you doing out here so early?" Ella came out from the house
"I-i c-came to take some fresh air !"
"Oh... And why are you in Aiden's Clothes? Did something -
"NO! Never!" I said all flushed and did I just saw a glint in her eyes? Wow! Amazing day!
"Okay whatever Hazel come in and  change don't let other guys see what's Aiden's!" She said and I could her amusement in her voice
"Yeah- wait what no I'm not his ! "
"Really? That's now what it looks like!" She sid coming close to me. She put her hand on my shoulder and led me in.
Wow I miss you mum ! Come back soon!
I went to my room after muttering a Thank you to her ... And I don't know why I did that but I just did okay....
And did all the morning routine took my shower and got ready for my California tour
Ha sounds like I'm a big pop star whose going on a tour lmao I'm lame af
I changed into my outfit. I let my hair fall on my shoulders. And remember no make up on my face just applied a plain lip balm on my lips.
// Outfit above //
I went down to make myself a toast and take a glass of milk as when Ella send me in she was leaving for her work at that time... I know early but she said she was called up early today...
Damon was at a friend's house and from there they both will go to their day care and in the afternoon or maybe evening Ella will pick him up. Okay I love Damon but today I'm not gonna stay here and I'll be out for most of the time ! Ella was luckily fine with it ... Huff...
Aiden was no where to be seen so I assume that he is still in his bed.
I was just starting to take out the ingredients for my breakfast when two arms were wrapped around me and I squealed.
"Ssh kitten it's just me" came that husky voice that I hate! Just kidding I don't hate him
"Aiden what are you doing don't you have any other work to do" only I now how much effort it took me to speak this because he had his head inside my hair and his breath was tickling my neck. Yeah it tickled!
"I do have work today"
"Then go do it!"
"But for that we both have to eat our breakfast fast"
"Why both?"
"Because I'm taking you to your California tour kitten"
"No you are not ! I don't care if Ella told you to do so your not going to take me out anywhere today I wanna see California on my own and what is with this name kitten ? I'm no daughter of cats!" I told him while turning back and facing him
He groaned ... I dont find anything to be groaned upon
This guy is sick
"No kitten I can't let you out of my site ! That guy Jason is still here .... But leave him I want to take you out and show you California the place where I was born and brought up ! And I'll call you kitten because your that ball of innocence which floats in the pool on positivity and love.
I blushed
I blushed hard
I blushed hard hard
I blushed hard hard hard
"Come on Hazel lets leave the house now and we'll grab breakfast from Starbucks or something!"
He didn't even let me protest and practically forced me to get out the house by holding my hand in his.
Shit those weirdo feelings are have a walk in my stomach.... Fuck you people just digest the damn food that I have ate ! We sat in his car and he took off.
"Okay so first we will go to Starbucks we'll take our breakfast from there then we'll go to the mall because I have to buy something and if you want then you can also buy anything you want .  And then the places we'll go are a secret ! So stay ready for an extra exciting and fun loving day with the most godly person alive on the planet and that's me ! " He said with such excitement that it was hard to believe that he is the same bad boy I met in my school.
I just looked at him it a dumbstruck expression and I had my jaw dropped ! When realisation hit me I close my mouth nodded and mummered an okay . He chuckled
Yeah of course go on chuckling Mr. Aiden
We took our drink from Starbucks and took a burger and a donut from Dunkin donuts. Okay DD idea was mine because it was right in front of the Starbucks shop.
Then we went to the mall and Aiden entered in a shop where WAY TOO EXPENSIVE AND GORGEOUS SUITS AND GOWNS WERE BEING SOLD.
Yes cause I'm more of a this sweat shirt this sweat pants those Nike and here I'm done. All these gowns and formals are not my think.
"Welcome Mr. Stevenson the suit your mom ordered for your dad is ready. Please have a seat we'll just bring it. " A lady said to Aiden very kindly and motioned him to a place where seats were kept... Dude those seats looked RoYaL!
Then I said to him " Aiden listen sorry but I'm really not interested in a place like this can I go and roam in any other shop?"
He chuckled and said
"Baby girl fine with me if you want to go but will you try this one dress for me? Please?" He said with those puppy eyes !
"Aiden but these gowns are not my thing" I told him
"Come please one! Just one! Pleaseee!"
"Fine" I said stretching the E and omg Aiden just did a small happy dance !
He then hold my hand and took me to one shelf where a really beautiful dress was on show

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