(10) My Mini Tour |2|

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(A/N) So the last chapter *bot the author's note* wasn't actually that long and it wasn't that interesting but this one sure is! 

Thank you again for reading my story 

Hazel's POV

As we entered in the carnival I looked around searching for something looking way exciting and there I saw it ... Haunted House!

"Aiden can we please go to the haunted house first?" I look at him with those puppy eyes that melts everyones heart. He looked like he was debating then he smiled and then smirked... whats the need of smirking?

"Only if you don't get scared!" He said and I just glared at him. He chuckled that cute chuckled and I just smiled. We went there bought the tickets and yes this guy standing here with me didn't let me buy my ticket... guys and their reputation! 

We entered the haunted house and it was actually scary.... yeah fine I am scared of these things but theres always a first time of everything and I don't want to miss out any fun of my life of course except partying clubbing and all those negative funs ... I wanna do all the positive ones!

There were many weird and scary stuffs coming in our way and Aiden here was just making fun of them .

"Why do I smell fear?" He said taunting me for being scared. 

"Of course you smell it because - 1 you have a nose to smell things and 2 its a damn haunted house its meant to be scary and shit!" I snapped at him but the moment I ended my speech a weird skeleton sort of guy came from upwards and I ScReAmEd! I quickly hugged Aiden cause I was scared that what if these people just take me and Aiden into two different paths separating us and then scaring the crap out of me. 

You know cause I am scared to be lonely *insert the tune*  Aiden chuckled first but then wrapped his arms around me. I could feel the tingles in my stomach and I summered something that I never expected to say .... "One Direction" 

Aiden looked at me questioningly I just watched him blankly. his face seemed like he was processing what I said and then his face showed emotions that I couldn't tell what they were. 

Then we proceeded our way ahead of this dead hole. There was this one ghost that was scaring me and irritating me a lot. Aiden was just chuckling and making fun of me but you know what the best part was? His arm was around my shoulder protectively all this time and that made me happy.  Coming back to that ghost till the end he was irritating me and at last he was like 

"Till I don't command this door , it won't open!" He said and then chuckled darkly.  All those horrifying laughs and noises all those creaks oaf the doors and shit that was going in the house had already scared me and this guy was adding up to it . 

in frustration I shouted something that I never expected myself to shout 

"SHUT UP!" people around me laughed and Aiden literally just died laughing. 

the door opened and we went out 

"Omg this place should be name Laughing house when you go with Hazel Kent!" Aiden teased me still laughing on what happened earlier. 

"it was such a bad idea to go in there with you .... it would have been so much better if I had gone there with ... Chad! yeah Chad" I told him completely aware of the fact that it will piss him that I didn't want to go in there with him but to my shock he didn't get piss off because of this fact but because of something else...

"WHO THE HELL IS CHAD?" He literally shouted on me! 

"You don't know Chad? Chad who is on football team ... Chad Waters" I told him and I thought this may calm him a bit but no his anger rose... what is his problem?

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