"Hey Veronica!!" The blonde girl called out from across the hall.
"Oh my god! Kristina?!" The brunette replied.
"How long its been Vee." Kristina hugged her long lost best friend.
"I know. Hasn't it? How are you? What have you been doing these years?" She asked.
"Im doing great. Well like you always said, I'm a writer now. Published my first book already. What about you?" She asked.
"Oh me? The usual, genetics like i always said. Im doing good too." Veronica smiled.
"Speaking of which, you found someone yet Kristi?" Vee smirked.
"You wont believe if I did." Kristina grinned.
"Who is the one?" She asked her.
"remember Alex, the guy i had a huge crush on?" Kriti explained.
"Oh my god. Are you serious. Wow! dude you're lucky." Vee chuckled.
"Yeah I know. Its been 4 months. We're doing good. Though what about you and Conan?"
"43 months and counting Kristi. I still find it hard to believe." She said.
"Wow. Thats great. Congratulations. 43 months and i still havent me him. That sucks." Kristi commented.
"That reminds me, He's here with me we could have a coffee later this evening." She suggested.
"Vee that's great. Text me the time and I'll be there." Kristina hugged her friend and bid her goodbye.--------
"Hey! Vee!" Kristina waved.
"Kristina Hello again." Vee greeted
"Conan this is Kristina Grey. The whacky best friend Im always talking about." Vee introduced her.
"Hey Conan. Nice to meet you. Is that really what she says about me?" Kristina frowned.
"No. I've heard great things about you. Its good to see you." Conan said.
He was a blonde guy with a messy hair about 6 feet tall (which was alot compared to Veronica) slim and good looking.
"didnt Alex come?" Veronica asked.
"No he said he had work. But Im sure conan and Alex would go along great." Kristina said.
"So Conan, 43 months with this devil, how did you survive?" Kristina asked.
"Heyy!" Veronica exclaimed and Conan chuckled.
"Its been long. But I love her and she's my world for all that matters. The devil is mine." He winked.
"Awww how cute. You two are seriously couple goals." Kristina commented with a sip of espresso.
"Thank you." Veronica said.
The trio went on and on till about one and a half hour on random topics when Kristina stood up claiming she had to go.
"I'll see you two later then." She said.
"Sure. Bring Alex along next time." Vernoica said.
Kristina gave her best friend a hug and whispered in her ear "He's a keeper" and smiled at Conan before leaving.

The Implications Of Affection and Other Things
SonstigesHurt, love, loss, rush. Emotions is what makes us human. The heart and mind run us into unknown situations everyday. We all have that phase in life when we fall deeply madly into love, or suffer from heart break, fits of anger, rush of old memories...