White as the snow,
White as the snow where my footprint lay,
Nevermind that it may be lost forever.Red as my blood,
Red as my blood and yours,
Reminding us that we're all from the same core.Black as the night,
Black as the night sky,
Telling us that without the darkness, there'll be no light.Yellow as the Sun,
Yellow as the Sun, an everlasting ball of fire,
The secret is that we're all always angry.Green as the grass,
Green as the fresh grass,
Whose blade will carry the weight of another dew drop.Blue as the ocean,
Blue as the neverending ocean,
Who'll wash away the sins of others.Brown as the eyes,
Brown as his eyes,
They're heavy with the burden of his past.These colors stand among us, unmasked.
True to themselves and others.
Reminding us what to be.Stand strong,
Chin high,
We are who we are,
You and I,
There is comfort in lies,
But have you tried the truth?

The Implications Of Affection and Other Things
RandomHurt, love, loss, rush. Emotions is what makes us human. The heart and mind run us into unknown situations everyday. We all have that phase in life when we fall deeply madly into love, or suffer from heart break, fits of anger, rush of old memories...