Not very long ago,
Around two to three years to be exact.
There were many places I wanted to go,
People I wanted to meet,
Things I wanted to feel.
I was like a new born butterfly,
Learning to take flight.
But now that those times have passed,
And I probably have seen these few places,
Felt those few things,
And met those few people.
I've hoped all this time,
Only to be faced with most bitter.
I've felt the worst,
Seen the worst,
Met the worst.
The fear has grown right in the core,
So strong,
That even the most potent beautiful,
Has been hidden by the mendacious.
So back to the present,
I sit here on the couch,
Typing on my phone,
Hoping that I never see those places,
Never meet those people,
Never feel those things.
Times have changed.
The unseen isn't hopeful anymore.
Those dreams aren't worth dreaming anymore.
Reality is harsh.
There's a cost for everything.
And Happiness just happens to be the most expensive.

The Implications Of Affection and Other Things
RandomHurt, love, loss, rush. Emotions is what makes us human. The heart and mind run us into unknown situations everyday. We all have that phase in life when we fall deeply madly into love, or suffer from heart break, fits of anger, rush of old memories...