•"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one eh?"•"life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always cover up the bad things, and vice versa, the bad things don't spoil the good."
•"shit happens, but you mist learn to move on."
•"you can lie to whoever you want, but never lie to yourself."
•"breathe, break away from the monotony of this rat race, and live."
•"what we fear the most, will set us free."
•"these days, we don't live to make our own stories, we live to fit into other's."
•"society is cruel. It kills your individuality."
•"sometimes you gotta let go of those who don't value you, even though your heart says no."

The Implications Of Affection and Other Things
De TodoHurt, love, loss, rush. Emotions is what makes us human. The heart and mind run us into unknown situations everyday. We all have that phase in life when we fall deeply madly into love, or suffer from heart break, fits of anger, rush of old memories...