2. Oops

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It was a beautiful morning, you could hear Rachel sing from the kitchen and the sound of eggs being fried. Quinn stretched her arms and got out of bed, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and changed into another outfit. She didn't want to walk around in her pajamas.

"Good morning"

"Morning" Rachel said and looked at Quinn with the biggest smile on her lips "I'm making us breakfast"

"It smells great, thank you. It's nice to be spoiled like this" Quinn said and smiled at Rachel.

"What do you want to do later?" Rachel asked now as she kept cooking.

"Can't we stay in, it's a bit chilly and I feel like watching a movie and having take out for dinner today" Quinn said.

It surprised Rachel, Quinn isn't the "stay in and watch movies" kind of girl, but she liked it.

"Sure we can! As long as I get to choose movies..." Rachel said and looked like a excited child.

"Of course. I guess this means we'll watch every musical ever made?" Quinn said with a tiny bit of sarcasm in her voice.

Rachel laughed and took the pan off the stove, took the eggs and put them on plates, two eggs for her and two for Quinn. They sat down and started eating their breakfast.

"Not this time, I'll be fair" Rachel added.


"So what did you choose?" Quinn asked and looked at the pizza carton on the table in front of the tv.

"It's really good, don't worry!" Rachel shouted from her room.

"How can I not worry when she chooses the movie.." Quinn mumbled to herself and sat down on the couch.

Thirty seconds later Rachel comes back, she puts the DVD in the player and sits down right next to Quinn. They started digging in the pizza, they hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.

"A musical, I knew it" Quinn said 

"But this is really good. It's about a girl who fell in love with this guy and he doesn't love her back so she just keeps singing her way through the constant pain she's feeling because she knows she'll never make him hers" Rachel said while she kept staring at the tv screen "give it a chance" she said again and leaned back on the couch.

1,5 h into the movie, Quinn started to feel the boredom. She hated this movie already and it was 2 hours left of it. She tried not to fall asleep and seem interested but it only worked for a while until Rachel actually noticed she didn't like the movie. 

"We can stop watching if you want.." she said and looked at Quinn with puppy eyes.

"No, it's okay. We can watch. I'm just a bit tired, don't mind me" 

"Quinn, I know you, you can't fool me" Rachel said and laughed. "I'm turning it off"

Thank God, I thought it wouldn't work. Quinn thought to herself and watched Rachel go up and turn the DVD player and tv off. 

"Happy now?" she said when she went back to the couch.

"Thank you" Quinn answered and laughed a little bit "What now?" 

"You can either choose another movie or we go out somewhere" Rachel said and pointed to the drawer with all the movies.

"I actually just feel like sitting and talking. Do you have any pictures from high school?" Quinn asked. 

"Hello, have you forgotten who you're talking to?" Rachel laughed "I have a whole album filled with pictures of us all" 

Rachel went to her bedroom and got the photo book. She sat next to Quinn and opened it.

"This is very... organized" Quinn said, not knowing if she was amazed or annoyed.

"Well you know me" Rachel answered "Look, this was the first picture we took together. I remember this so clear" she said and pointed at a picture of Rachel, Finn, Santana, Quinn and Mercedes.

"I looked so young, it's weird how much I've changed"

"You're still beautiful, Quinn" 

Quinn didn't even answer, she just looked at Rachel, smiled, blushed a little and looked down at the photo book again. 

Rachel leaned her head on Quinn's shoulder just like she always did. She just didn't understand that for Quinn, this was really hard. So many feelings, memories and regrets came running back to her. So, she did what she thought she had to do, she slowly curled her way out of the situation.

"Is something wrong?" Rachel asked, looking at Quinn with a worried face.

"No, no. I just need a glass of water" Quinn lied and went up to drink her water.

Rachel didn't give in, like the stubborn person she was, she went after Quinn and stopped her from opening the fridge and getting a bottle to fill her glass with. She took her by the arm so she would stop moving.

"You're acting really weird. Can you tell me what's wrong? Quinn, if you don't want to be here.. It's okay. I just  thought we'd have fun and you would have more space, you can sleep at Santana's and Brittany's place if you'd like" Rachel said without pausing between her sentences. 

Quinn couldn't help but smiling, she find it really cute whenever Rachel did that thing when she gets overly excited or stressed about something. Even tho it can be really annoying sometimes. 

"It's not that I don't want to be here" Quinn said and paused, took a deep breath and continued "There's just a lot you don't know. A lot I want to tell you, but I'm not ready" 

Rachel looked up at Quinn, right in the eyes and she just couldn't believe her ears.

"Oh my god, are you pregnant?" she asked.

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