Chapter 7: The Irregular

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I took one long look at him. I know it's him! There's no mistaking it!

He's the one that's been doing all those crimes reported in the news! I thought as I tried to calmly assess the situation. Still, our current predicament is scaring the wits out of me.

And then, I remembered Mitsumi. I can't possibly be frightened in situations like this! Especially when she's around. I should be calm, or else she'll break down.

I quickly regained my composure as Mitsumi and I continued running. As far as I know, no one has gotten a clear look on his face. But everybody knows that he's bigger than any other human.

"Where are you heading off?" The gruff voice asked us one more time.

I could clearly imagine the smirk he wore after saying that. He wore a high collared jacket and a wide-brimmed hat, but even without seeing his expression, I'm certain that he's smirking right now. I took a deep breath.

"Mitsumi, are you alright?" I asked. The cold wind blew at us while we ran.

"Yes, I'm fine," Mitsumi said.

Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what! My dad won't forgive me if I don't and, he might give me a pretty good beating if I let anything happen to you. I said to myself. I haven't had any lessons with Master Ryu, well, I just need to focus right now! I should be able to handle this since I'm the only one here with Mitsumi.

After a few meters, we were already almost out of breath, Mitsumi grabbed her phone from her pocket and dialed the local police. To our relief, someone answered from the other end.

"Hello! I am Yukine Mitsumi. You need to help us! We're being chased by the Irregular Criminal! Please help!" Mitsumi panicked as she managed to catch her breath.

No good! This is not good! She's tired! I thought. Sweat trickled down my face as I thought of any possible actions that could help us escape.

My heart suddenly stopped beating for a moment as I heard the huge footsteps that were beginning to catch up to us. I felt my stomach tighten into knots as a huge hand grabbed my whole body. I felt squeezed and I could hardly breathe.

The criminal enlarged his hand and grabbed me!

"Where do you think the two of you are going?" He said. "You're not going anywhere. This is your end!" He laughed maniacally.

Not if I can help it. I grunted in pain. I did it before and I could do it again. No, wait! I should do it! If not, Master Ryu would be disappointed!

"Hikari! No!" Mitsumi shrieked as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Miss? Is everything alright?" Give us your location! We'll get there right away!" The guy from the other line told her. "You must give us your location!"

"We're at the seventh avenue near the water tower! Hurry! My friend, h-he he's." Mitsumi stopped short.

... ...

The irregular began to clench his hand. I tried to struggle as I squirmed my way out of his clutch.

But to no avail.

Any moment now, I think my spine is about to snap in two.

"Aarrgh!" I screamed as I felt my head about to burst. All my veins were screaming and I could feel my blood rushing towards my legs and my head. It's like I'm being wrung dry and it wasn't the best of feelings.

Then, I remembered everything that the shadow manipulator told me.

I am the shadow manipulator, light in darkness. That's what it means...When does the light shine its brightest? In darkness!

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