Chapter 9: Hearing

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In the end, I let her sleep in my bed. I grabbed one of my spare mattresses and lay it down the floor just beside my study desk. After grabbing one of my pillows from the bed, I sleepily lay down on it.

Seriously?! Is she really that scared? I asked myself, taking a peek towards my bed.

I remembered the time when I was younger. Before, I was really afraid of the dark and being alone in it gives me the creeps. My parents would accompany me every night so I could sleep.

I guess that's how scared she is right now. I thought, finally dozing off.


...kokoro no oku narihibiita boku no ne...inori no ukabu asu wa....

I opened my eyes and quickly looked for my phone that has been playing the alarm.

...I wanna be with you...nido to wa nai ima no...

Found it. My alarm was louder than it needed to be. I need to turn it off before Mitsumi wakes up. I said to myself

"Good morning, Hikari." Mitsumi said as she squinted her eyes with one hand. "Nice alarm. I used to listen to that song too, you know."

"Sorry, I think I turned the volume higher yesterday. Sorry to wake you up, Mitsumi." I apologetically said to her as I tried to reach out for my phone.

But to no avail.

I realized that my hand was holding something and it's preventing me to get my cellphone. Then, some thoughts began flashing back in my mind. I slowly turned my gaze towards my right hand. It was like deja-vu, except it happened so many times that it's becoming an expectation.

Kyaaa! My hunch was right!

Mitsumi's hand was holding mine! ( Well, I really wasn't holding her hand. She was holding mine. There's a difference!) I quickly thought of a way to solve my problem. Then, I remembered that I have my left hand.

I quickly reached out to my cellphone using my left arm and turned the alarm off. I sighed in relief. There's no way my parents would come barging in my room (they usually barge in every time I leave my alarm on for too long). I already turned it...

My thinking was interrupted when the door to my room suddenly slammed open. I got so shocked that I almost jumped.

"Hikari, why is it taking you too long to turn off your..." My mom didn't finish what she was saying.

The moment she entered the room, she saw Mitsumi lying on my bed and holding my hand as I was lying on the floor.

Kyaaa! Why does it always happen to me! I told myself in despair.

"Why, what's wrong, hon..." My dad joined us in the commotion. (he wasn't able to finish what he was saying just like my mom)

My dad quickly readjusted his glasses as he wore a very serious expression. On the other hand, I was scared out of my wits since my parents misunderstood what was happening.

What would my punishment be from the list? I asked myself as I tried to let go of Mitsumi's grip.

"Sorry, Hikari. I was so scared last night that I held your hand so that I could assure myself that you're there." She apologized as she let go of her grip. "I'm really sorry."

"No, it's fine," I responded out of impulse, but deep inside, I began to fear what's about to happen to me.

I mean, my parents weren't pleased. They weren't pleased at all.

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