Chapter Two: Kidnapped, I Blame the Banana

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"Look," I begin to say, "if you're going to axe murder me, then can you hurry up, please? I have places to go, people to see."

For a moment, he just stares at me and I start to wonder who taught him his manners because everyone knows that staring is rude. Finally, after what seems like forever, he opens his mouth. "How much did you see, little one?"

"Oh nothing. I'm partially blind. Yeah, partially blind. I didn't see you standing over some other guy and I certainly didn't see you holding a pistol to his head. Nope, nope, nope I was just taking a nice stroll through this lovely dark crumbling alley way. Yup, yup, yup I really should get going though, as I said before, places to be, people to see." With that said, I jump to my feet, dust off my pant legs, and give the cursed banana peel one more glare before turning to give the mystery man one last farewell salute.

Turning toward the opening of the alley, I race to get to it. When I am a few steps away, I feel myself being picked up. One moment I am on nice solid ground and the next my world is turned upside down, quite literally. Sparks erupt along my sides where his hands lie, causing my body to twitch in shock. A warm tingling soon replaces the sparks. Under his breath I hear him mumble, "Mine." Upon hearing this, I begin kicking my feet furiously, to try to loosen his steel grip. Even though my attempts are futile, I can't allow myself to let go of the freedom I was close to reaching before he wrenched me away.

"This is kidnapping!" I shout in one last attempt to be saved. Sighing in exhaustion, my kicks begin to grow weaker and weaker each time, the fire in me dulling after each one.

"Giving up so soon, little one? I didn't peg you as the type to give in so quickly," he whispers, his voice leaving goosebumps across my already tense body.

"Sorry, dude, but my momma always taught me never to talk to strangers, so bye Felicia," I snap back, about as aggressively as a kitten to tuna. Does he think this is some sort of sick joke? The only reason I began walking in this stupid alley was to get home faster in this storm. Not like that is going to happen now. Now, not only am I getting kidnapped by crazy over here but when I do make it home, my mom is going to kill me. Hmm. Maybe staying with Mr. Sexy Kidnapper won't be that bad. I mean he hasn't killed me yet. Whoa, whoa, whoa, mind, get back on track. This is a kidnapper for crying out loud. He isn't going to bring me to some mansion, put me in a princess room, and buy me all the dogs I want. Get real here.

Snapping out of my mini world inside of my head, I focus my eyes on his feet. For someone so tall and well-built, he seems to glide his way along the uneven pavement. Trailing my gaze along his long legs, I look for anything to help me out of my current situation. Gazing at his rear end, I notice something in his left back pocket. Wiggling closer to get a better look, I realize that it is, in fact, an iPhone 6. Weighing my options, it occurs to my wonderfully creative mind to just take the phone from his pocket. So like the brilliant person I am, I do exactly that. Slowly and cautiously so as not to disrupt him in the slightest way, I pluck the phone out of his pocket and begin to dial the one number I have memorized— my mom.

On the third ring I hear her groggy morning voice, "Hello?"

"Hi, Mommy, it's me," I whisper through the phone hoping my kidnapper doesn't notice.

"Belle? Where are you? Whose phone is this?" she asks, beginning to fire her cannonball questions.

"Look, Mom, I don't have much time--"

Faster than the speed of light I am being flipped back over so that I am standing on my own two feet. Dark clouded eyes densely stare into my aqua ones, daring me to tell my mother the truth. Fidgeting with the phone, a feeling of nervousness washes over me.

"Belle? Belle are you okay?" my mother's now worried voice breaks through the phone.

"Yeah, Mom I'm great actually. I met a guy! His name is..." once again my eyes find my abductor's, silently asking for his name.

"Kaiden, Kaiden King," he answers reading my questioning face.

"His name is Kaiden, Mom. I will be staying with him now, so there is no need to freak out. I just wanted to give you a heads up. I know how you can get sometimes." I giggle slightly remembering all of the times she threw fits and went into hysterics if I was not home exactly on time when I was younger.

"You will not be staying with him, Belle. I have never once heard his name come out of your mouth. Are you in some sort of trouble, Jelly Belly?"

"I love you too, Mommy. I'll call you in a few days. Bye." Hanging up the phone, I allow a lone tear to escape my eye, hoping that my mother finds a way to help me.

"Good choice, Anabelle. No need to drag your mother into this mess."

Looking at him, I sigh. There is no way of getting out of this. I am stuck with him, at least until I can find some sort of salvation. "Where are you taking me anyways?" I ask looking around gloomy side road where we have stopped. A black 2015 Chevrolet Duramax is the only vehicle to be found.

"I, dear little one, am taking you to your new home, with me," he replies as he unlocks the beautiful truck. Figuring I better play along in his little game until I can plan an escape, I simply walk to the passenger's side door and attempt to hop inside. After my third failure at climbing into the beast, Kaiden finally comes over to help.

"It took you long enough," I tell him, rolling my eyes as he lifts me by my waist.

"All you had to do was ask," he responds, a big grin breaking out on his almost flawless heart shaped face. The only imperfection is a slash across the bridge of his slightly crooked nose.

"Oh, so if I ask you to drop me off at home and never contact me again, you would?" I reply snarkily already knowing the answer.

Shooting me a glare Kaiden fire back, "You are mine, Anabelle, and I suggest you learn to accept that really quickly because it isn't changing."

Huffing, I lean back into the seat not enjoying how utterly comfortable it is. Sinking in further, I can't help but feel my eyes begin to close. The last sound I hear is an engine motor roaring to life.

*Picture is of Anabelle

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