Chapter Three: Searching for Mister Kidnapper

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The scent of Old Spice cologne eases me awake in the late morning sun. Stretching my arms up in a cat-like pose, I hesitantly crack one sleepy eye open, praying that last night was all just a dream and that I am safe and sound in my own bed at home. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Groaning, I begin to rise from the four post canopy bed, immediately wishing I hadn't. A cool breeze of fall air bursts through the room's open window, pressing a wave of crisp air against my heated skin. Shivering, I tip toe my way to the window and close it. I pause to take in the houses surroundings, or surrounding as there is only one thing encircling this massive house: forest, and lots of it. Turning back, I take a look around the room, taking note of the royal purple paint along the walls and the full mirror in the corner to my left next to the bed before turning my attention to the door that looks like the exit. Walking over the wood floor to the door, I begin turning the knob, carefully swinging the creaking door open only to be faced with a closet. Shoes line the back wall in their own personal cubbies and women's clothes hang along the rod. Rolling my eyes, I shut the door and begin my journey to the next. Opening this one, I am disappointed to see that it is only the bathroom; however, peeking my head inside I am surprised by how extravagant the room is. Ocean blue paint covers the walls, creating a calm aura. A claw foot tub sits in the back left corner of the space along with a television mounted upon the north facing wall. The shower has an open tinted glass door allowing me to see the heavenly looking shower head.  I will surely be using this room in the future. Reaching the last door, I carelessly rip it open fully intending to march around this house, or palace, or whatever it is, until I find Kaiden and give him a piece of my mind. What stops me, though, is the stranger standing outside of my door, hand raised in a knocking formation.

Cocking an eyebrow at her, I begin to speak. "Well, hi there! Do you know where I can find Kaiden? Cause I have got a lot to talk to him about, well more of yell at him about. You see, he decided it would be fun last night to kidnap me out of an alley and throw me over his shoulder, which I must admit is very muscular. Anyways, yeah, I really need to find him. Can you help me? Point me in the right direction maybe? Please?" By the end of my word vomit the poor girl looks like she is about to die from laughter.

"Wow! When he said you had a tendency to ramble he wasn't kidding!" the girl who looks about 19 responds. "Oh, by the way, I'm Lily, the apparent kidnapper's amazing younger sister."

"My name is Anabelle. Nice to meet you, Lily. Now do you know where I can find your brother?"

Grinning mischievously, she glances over her shoulder before whispering, "Go down this hallway. You will come to a stairwell. Go up until you reach the top floor. From there you just have to follow the hallway down to the last door on the right. It's his bedroom. He should still be sleeping after the night he had. Good luck!" With that said, she sends me one last wink before waltzing away back down the hall.

Following Lily's directions I manage to make it to Kaiden's bedroom door. Without knocking, I barge my way in. Fury dances in my eyes as they land on his sleeping form, limbs sprawled out across the king sized bed. His charcoal duvet in a tangled mess along the bottom of his bed. Stomping over to him, I wake Kaiden with a swift slap to the back of his head. His sapphire orbs snap open into slits, searching for the person responsible for disturbing his blissful sleep. Landing on me, they return to normal.

"Get up and get dressed. I have questions and you are going to give me answers." I demand. Noticing his lack of clothing I feel a blush begin to creep across my cheeks.

"Can't you come back later? I'm tired." Kaiden turns over, without bothering to cover his muscular abdomen and shoulders.

Searching his empty room, I spot nothing but an open door leading to what looks to be a bathroom. Rolling my eyes, I walk into the room noting the similar claw foot tub and fancy shower. I keep looking around the room until I find what I need.

I carry the glass behind my back making sure he isn't watching. Once close enough, I fling the freezing water at his face. In a flash, his eyes open widely and latch onto mine. They shift from blue to black, a frightening predatory look in them. Jumping up, his foot catches in the duvet allowing me to flee from the room. I no longer think that this was such a good idea. I want answers, but I don't think he can answer them if he kills me first.

Stumbling down the stairwell, I move past the floor my room is on and down to the first floor. As I am exiting the stairwell, I hear a roar of anger above me, making me run even faster. I don't pay attention to where I am running and get lost inside the maze that is this house. Panic rising, I finally stumble across the foyer, fear courses through my veins giving me the will to go faster. My gaze zones in on the tall mahogany double doors that no doubt lead to the outside world.

*Picture is of Lily

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