Chapter Seven: Kidnapped, Again!

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The drive home is dull and awkward. After he said okay, Kaiden left the room, a look of pure heartbreak eminent across his features. He soon returned, his face back to its stone cold features, to drive me home. So here we are about a block from my house in his lifted Chevy. Not a word has been spoken the whole 45 minute ride to my white house on the corner of Green and 7th street. Glancing over at him, I can see his white knuckles wound tightly on the steering wheel and a slight clench in his jaw.

"This is it up here on the left," I say breaking the silence.

He pulls up the driveway and puts the truck in park. Turning toward me, he finally speaks. "Call me if you need anything at all, if you feel unsafe, if you need anything. I'll be right there for you." He hands me a card with his name and number. I can't help but feel a burning of sadness flush through my system. This is really goodbye. I mean, yeah, he kidnapped me and is slightly crazy, but he was never too bad to be around. Except for the whole turning into a wolf and making me run for my life. Giving him one last look, I hop out of the vehicle and rush up the concrete steps to my home.

Throwing the door open I shout, "Mom, I'm home!"

Hearing footsteps in the kitchen, I race past the mahogany banister through the lilac hallway. Reaching the door, I take in the sight before me. Blood covers the daisy wall paper and the once brightly lit room is now dull and lifeless. In the corner of the room next to the cereal cabinet stands a man dressed in all black. He faces the window. Dark crimson stains his left shoulder all the way to his hand.

"Where is my mother?" I question, trying my hardest to sound unafraid.

The man turns to face me and it is then that I recognize him. He is the man from the alley where I was kidnapped, the one Kaiden was holding the gun to, and the man from Kaiden's story, Nolan.

"Ah, so we meet again, girl. Thank you for the other day by the way, distracting him so I could make my escape and for giving me the information I needed on him to get the upper hand. You really made my mission a lot easier to complete." He smiles a sinister smile, nodding to something behind me.

A hand flies over my mouth with some sort of white cloth in it. I thrash in an attempt to throw it off, but my head begins to fill with fog. Soon I am no longer in control of my body and topple to the floor with a loud thud.

*Picture is of Nolan

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