Chapter Six: You're A What?

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Cracking my eyes open, the first thing I take note of is the familiar grey walls of Kaiden's room. Feeling a heavy weight land on my lower abdomen, I turn my head to the left. A scream rips through my dry throat, coming out as more of a raspy gasp. Tearing myself out of the bed, I fall to the floor in a tangled heap. Looking up, it is no surprise to see Kaiden looking at me with his dark, oceanic eyes. Gulping, I rise to my feet determined to get some answers.

"What is going on, Kaiden?" I proclaim backing even farther away from him.

His eyes trail my every move. "I can explain everything, okay? Just promise not to run away again."

"I'll do my best."

"My name is Kaiden Lukas King, Alpha of the Redwoods Pack." He starts off.

"Wait! What is an Alpha?" I say already skeptical.

"An Alpha is the leader of what is called a pack of wolves. He is the strongest, fastest, and best warrior in the pack. Being Alpha is also in a wolf's genetic code. The first wolf of every Alpha before him is the next Alpha of the pack unless he allows another sibling to take over the pack or get beaten in a challenge."

"So then what's a challenge? Is it like arm wrestling? Or a mind challenge?"

"A challenge is when a wolf who is not an Alpha demands a fight with the Alpha of the pack for his title. These fights are rare but when they occur they are to the death."

"Have you ever been challenged Kaiden?" I question genuinely curious.

"Yes I have. Do you remember the guy you saw me in the alleyway with?" he says glancing at me from his cress cross position on the floor, his auburn hair threatening to fall in his face.

"The short one? Yeah it looked like you two were arguing about something."

"Well, his name is Nolan and had it not been for your untimely interruption he was going to challenge me. He has been after my pack ever since it destroyed his a few years back leaving him to be the only one alive." Kaiden answers clasping his hands together. "Lastly, there are what we wolves call mates. A mate is a wolf's other half. Their hand to hold, shoulder to cry on, and one true love. Wolves spend all of eternity searching in hopes of finding their mate; some even go crazy looking for their love," he finishes letting me soak in the new information.

"How does a wolf know when he has found his mate?"

"When they first touch, sparks immediately fly between their skin. The wolf tries to gain control of the human half so they may say things like mate or mine and their eyes may change color depending on how much control the wolf gains," he replies, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Do you have a mate?" I ask almost afraid of the answer.

"I do, but you already know that don't you little one." I can feel his vulnerable but determined eyes roaming face gauging my reaction. Waiting for my next move.

My eyes snap to his, a look of realization passing through them. I am his mate. He is talking about me. Suddenly, I am unable to breathe properly. How am I his mate? I'm just me, just Anabelle I can't possibly be his mate. But the evidence is right here: the sparks, the whispering, and the eye changing.

"I can't do this. I want to go home. Please just let me go home!" I say to him, my voice rising with each word.

Finally, after what seems like hours, Kaiden meets my eyes. "Okay."

* Picture is of Kaiden

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