Not Before Us

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Yoongi heard his phone ding. He took his phone out of his pocket and checked it. It was a picture of Taehyung and Jungkook kissing with silver bands on their ring fingers. "Holy shit, Kookie and Tae are now engaged.

"What? Seriously?" Jimin slides closer to look at his phone. "Tell them congrats from us and Mina. Oh, and did my mom say anything about Mina? I just want to make-"

"Do you want to get married?"

"What?" Did he hear him correctly?

"W-will you marry me?" Yoongi stutters, feeling nervous even in an impromptu proposal.

"Are you sure? You used to say you didn't want to get married." He tilts his head to the side cutely and smiles so hard his eyes nearly disappear in the most precious way.

"That was before I realized I was in l-love with you..." He blushes uncharacteristically and looks down at his lap for a moment before looking back at Jimin. "Plus, these kids can't get married before us." The blond smiles.

"I don't want a big wedding. We can just go down to the court house. Plus, I don't want to have to pick out groomsmen and suits for them and all the hall decorating is unnecessary. I've already vowed myself to you, it's just not official under government documentation, unless Mina's birth certificate counts." Jimin giggles and grabs Yoongi's arm.

"You. Me. Courthouse in a few weeks.

"Let's do it."


"Are you ready?" Jimin's mom asks linking their arms together. She's been teary-eyed since she walked in and seen Jimin all done up in a tux.

"I've been for a while." He laughs and hooks his dad's arm into his as well. The doors are open and the three walk in.

They agreed on a small and simple wedding, but actually seeing Jimin like this had Yoongi on the verge of breaking into tears. How could someone look so innocently beautiful and devilishly sexy? The raven (he just died his hair black) can feel the flood gates behind his eyes slowlying cracking more and more with each step Jimin takes.

"Fuck..." He whispers and the gates are broken, tears flooding his eyes and falling down his cheeks. He hasn't cried like this since they won two daesangs. He resist the urge to turn away to hide his tears. Seeing this now has Jimin crying too and he smiles happily beneath the tears. His parents give him away and take a seat. The two look at each other proudly and soon they are reading off their vows.

"My Min Yoongi. I can't tell you how much you mean to me." Jimin reads off his speech from a paper he pulled out of his pocket. "You have given me so much and I feel like I can never repay you. From helping me overcome eating disorders to your unwavering love, all the way to the beautiful little girl we made together who looks so much like you. I never needed a piece of paper to say how I wish to stay by your side for all eternity, but I'm glad to stand here now. You taught me how to love myself and accept myself for who I am and ignore those who judge me. You and Mina are my whole world and you're such an amazing father. I know that we didn't intend to have a child so soon and I was so scared that you weren't ready. But I still remember the smile on your face when I told you I was pregnant and you were always by my side through everything and always shut down my doubts. Even though I complained most of the time and even yelled at you, you never left me. When I would wake you up crying because I couldn't sleep, you would stay up with me and talk to our daughter until I fell asleep to your voice and her gentle kicks. When I went into early labor, you never left my side even when I screamed at you and you stayed positive when things weren't looking well. You've been there for me through good and bad and I am forever grateful. So I, Park Jimin, legally vow myself to you, Min Yoongi and I promise to make you as happy as you've made me." He folds the paper back up and puts it his pocket and wipes away his tears. He then takes the ring in his hand and slides it onto Yoongi's finger.

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