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"When you are ready Mr. Min." The nurse instructed. Jimin nodded waiting for the next contraction. The moment it hit, he started to push, and push again, and push again.

"His head is almost out, keep pushing!" Yoongi held onto his husband's hand and head. To Jimin, the nurse's words were muffled through water, but Yoongi's were clear as the stars on a cloudless night in the countryside. "You're doing perfect, Jimin. You can do this." Aside from the raven's words, the pain in his back and stomach, the thought of his daughter, and the movement of his son as he was slowly exposed to the world: Nothing else other than those things seemed to exist. But the moment that cry ripped through his mind, everything felt so real again. That first cry. His son's very first cry that brought heavy, overflowing tears to his eyes. The doctors put a towel on his chest and set the crying newborn on it as they wipe him off.

"Hello, baby boy. Hello Min Jihyun." Jimin touched his black, wetted-down hair. He didn't have as long of hair as Mina did at birth.

"He looks so much like you, but he's got my eyes and lips." If Jimin wasn't so busy familiarizing himself with the features of his son for the first time, he would've seen Yoongi wipe away some tears.

Unfortunately, this was something he missed out on with Mina. He didn't get to hear her first cry. He didn't get to be the first person to hold her. So this was something he was happy he got to experience at least once in his life from his own child. He loves Kyungsan, but things are just different when they are coming from your own creation.

Soon they took the newborn away to clean, weigh, and measure while Jimin finished up the last parts of birth. Only a small tear this time, so just a couple of stitches. But all he cared about was seeing his baby. They brought Jihyun back in just a diaper and laid him on Jimin's bare chest, to bond through skin-to-skin contact. Yoongi managed to hide his happy tears from Jimin, both their attention on their son. But they missed Mina too, however, it was a long labor and Mina needs her sleep. Imagine that, though, when she wakes up in the morning, the first news she is going to hear is that she gets to see the baby brother she's been waiting so patiently for.


"Jihyun..." Yoongi cooed as he changed his son's diaper. Luckily, he didn't get peed on, he almost did though. "He's so little. He makes Kyungsan look like a giant now."

"He's actually bigger than Kyungsan was. Kyungie was about five pounds, Jihyun is a little over seven pounds." Jimin laughed. Taehyung and Jungkook's one-year-old was four weeks early, but perfectly healthy. Jungkook in his teenage years used to be short until he turned sixteen and hit his growth spurt and out grew Jimin and Yoongi.

"Let's hope that means you'll grow nice and tall, huh? Are you going to outgrow your daddies?" The raven rubbed his nose against the newborn's as he finished buttoning up his clothes. Jihyun wiggled and hummed. His parents hoped that he would stay like that, not caring about getting his diaper changed and crying through the whole process, but if he didn't, that was okay too. He obviously cried when he had a dirty diaper, but the moment that new diaper was on, he was contented. Once cradled back into Yoongi's hold he attempts to reach a hand up to scratch his face but inevitably ends up passing out with a couple of fingers in his mouth.

"Join me." Jimin says, scooting over in his bed to make room for Yoongi. Still cradling their newborn, he gets in the bed. Jimin lays his head against his husband's shoulder and they hold their son together. Jimin holds Jihyun's tiny hand with a finger and runs his thumb over the soft skin. "You get to meet your big sister Mina today. She loves you so much already. We all are very excited and happy to have you here, Jihyun." The moment is sweety and utterly cheesy. But words couldn't express their overexcitement at the new arrival and completion of their family of four. A few hours later Jin arrived at the hospital with Mina and his own family. Yoongi went out to the waiting room to bring his daughter in.

"Daddy!!" Mina said happily and ran towards him, jumping into his outstretched arms.

"Hi, baby girl." He hugged her back tightly. They remained like that for a short moment before Yoongi released his hold. "You ready to meet your little brother?" The girl smiled and nodded. "Let's go." He walked through the halls holding her hand. She was nearly jumping for joy. "Gotta be quiet, okay?" She nodded and put a finger to her lips. He lead her into the room and pulled back the curtain.

"Mommy!" She said in a shouted whisper and ran towards Jimin's bed. She crawled up with Jimin's help and hugged him and gave him a kiss. Yoongi gently picked up the newborn in his two hands and brought him over to his husband and daughter.

"Mina, meet your little brother, Min Jihyun." Jimin announced with a bit of added humor as he was handed the baby. Jihyun wriggled from the pass and began to wake up.

"He's so cute! Can I touch him?" She asked.

"You have to wash your hands first, okay?" Jimin told her. She giggled and got off the bed and ran to the sink to wash her hands before running back. Jimin unswaddled the blanket for her, freeing the baby's tiny hands, his cute fingers were long like Yoongi's and Mina's.

"Hello, Jiji! It's nice to meet you!" The parents of two precious children watch and listen as Mina tells Jihyun dozens of stories, carried on in a one-sided conversation while Jihyun just stares at her with amazed, unfocused eyes.

It felt like it took forever, but little Min Jihyun is finally here.


If you guys ask nicely and leave such wonderful comments you will get the next chapter to this segment either tonight or tomorrow. :)

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