♥Chapter 22♥

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*Marilyn's Point Of View*

I just walked to Yuli's. I am still mad at Yuli but I know people sometimes want their space. I knock on the front door. A few minute's later she opens the door. "Marilyn, I got your text thank-you for coming ", I nod and walk in. "I know I know you are probably mad at me but I have a good reason ", ok tell me, I said sitting in her dining room. "It's embarrassing But I just feel my biological clock is ticking", She looks at her cup of tea she had in her hand. Yuli don't feel that way it's just a phase, "Marilyn of course you think that but the thing is you got pregnant when you were 23 I'm 28!", I sigh.  Yuli I understand that but you have to be patient with things, "Marilyn how? How I can't even have kid's! ", I look at her confused. What?, "I can't have kid's! ", Oh my Yuli I'm sorry when did you find out?, "A week ago", I scoot my share beside her. Why didn't you tell me?, "You and Michael were having problems so I didn't want to burden you more with my problems ", She said starting to cry. I stand her up and pulled her into a hug. Yuli I'm sorry about this I know it's hard on you God I'm sorry, I hug her for a few more minute's before letting go. Look tomorrow we will have a girl's day! How does that sound? just you and me, She sniffles and nods. I wipe her face. Yuli don't cry because I'll cry smile please?, She slowly smiles. "Marilyn I think you should go home because I had to endure Michael's problem earlier today ", What?, "Michael was hor-", Oh please don't remind me the man has been for awhile, "So you guys....", Not really, "Why? ", I don't know can't find the time and with the arguing I have been drained, "Well maybe some physical therapy from doctor Jackson will get you right ", She giggled. I laugh.  Girl if you think Michael is that magic why don't you set up and appointment, "I might, Girl just go you and Michael need to release that stress ", You are such a freak sometimes, "Whatever now go! ", I laugh giving her a hug before leaving out. When I get back to the house, Michael meets me at the door. "Yuli ok? ", Not really I think she might be having mid-life crisis, "Is that a female thing or?... ", Everyone goes through it at one point in their life,  "Oh is she going to be ok? ", Yeah I'm going to take her out tomorrow for a girl's day just me and her, "That's nice, When will there be a Michael and Marilyn day? ", I sigh walking into the living room. "Babygirl I just want to spend some time with you that's all ", Ok well come sit and watch a movie with me, He walks to the couch plopping beside me. What do you want to watch?,  "You ", I look at Michael crazily.  What?, "I'm sorry my brain isn't functioning, I hate to ask without being in the moment or making it special but can I have you? Can we be one? ", Michael are you ok?, He ignores my answer and kisses my ankle slowly going up. "Michael? What are you doing? ", I just want you so badly I can't explain it babygirl please don't make me beg ", I smile a little because this is adorable because he is so hot right now.  And for me, Makes me feel special. "Please", He said  hovering over me. Ok papa,  He smirks and instantly slides one hand under my shirt. I close my eye's. Taking every bit of sensation I get from a single touch of his hand's on my bare skin. He continues to let his hand's roam my body as he slowly roll his hips into mine. little moans slip through my parted lips as he silences them with his. I slowly lift his shirt office baring his beautiful ivory alone before me. Those butterflies I get every time we're this close returns with a burning passion of desire and Love. "I missed loving you this way ", He said while kissing my neck still rolling his hips. I respond with a moan. He stops and I feel his hand slowly creep into my pants beyond it's locked buckle. I gasp as he finally soothes my throbbing. ssss Mich-, "Shhh babygirl I haven't started ", He bites his lips rubbing faster. I close my eye's taking in the sensation. As soon as I feel myself reaching euphoria. he stops and gets up. I slowly open my eye's. He looks at me. I do the same. I want him to finish. He just continues looking at me. I'm desperate. I never done this before but I reach to finish the job myself. Michael quickly grabs my hand. "uh uh mama that's my job ", Well do your job, He laughs. "say please? ", Michael...,  "Say it", Please babe,  He walks away.  I quickly get up feeling a little numb. I follow him upstairs. He stops at the room door. "Ladies first", I sigh and walked in.  He. quickly comes behind me slowly walking me towards the wall. I'm face to the wall looking to the side. "What can papa do for mama? ", He, whispered in my ear. I shiver a little.  Love me,  I said in a whimper. "How? ", He whispered again nibbling my ear. Touch me, I finally managed to say. He chuckles and slowly takes His hand from my waist sliding it back into my pants. I gasp at his touch because it felt like my trip of euphoria was on pause until he touched me there again.  He kisses my neck pressing himself against me. He's hot like an oven. I soon reach my peak ending with a moan I didn't think I could ever make out. Michael slowly retrieves his hand. "I have waited to long for this", He takes off my shirt and slowly turns me around pinning me to the wall. He continues to kiss And vote At my neck. I try to get out of his grip. I wanted to touch him and feel him.  "No mama be patient ",He slides his hand's from my wrists to my butt. I take it as my chance to feel his face but he back's away. "Mama be patient ", he repeats. I sigh. He chuckles walking back to me. He brings me closer to him away from the wall. He kisses me softly and slowly. I lick his lips. Michael I want you now, "Not yet mama", I take off my pants and panties. Michael I will rape you, He back's up laughing again. "Damn you will rape me? ", I nod pushing him on the bed unbuckling his pants. Now Michael,  He flips over making me fall onto the bed. He slowly pulls off his pants. I bite my lip. "I Love You mama ", I Love You too papa,  He slowly climbs  over me. I grab for his boxers but he quickly stops me. "Can I make slow love to you? ", No,  He looks at me confused. "Why because you are being impatient? ", Michael fu-, "Don't say That please ", I nod and lean up kissing him. He kisses back asking for an entrance I gladly let him in as our tongues get reacquainted. I let out soft moans as he slides his boxers off while grinding against me. He let's out moans as I reach for 'him'. I return his most gracious favor. "baby girl....im..", Do it papa, He finally let's loose his tension. He quickly wipes his mess and my hand. He finally slowly enters me. I gasp and wince in pain. "Sorry babygirl forgive me if I go to fast", I nod squeezing my eye's shut. "No mama look at me ", I slowly open my eye's. Meeting his soft brown eye's.  He smiles kissing my forehead. "Never close your eye's mama", He slows down His pace to match my incoming moans. The louder the faster.  Mich... Michael ssss faster,  He follows my command as I dig my nails in his back. I swear I'm taking skin with me. He still looks at me with Love not letting lust benefit from our intimacy. My loud moans turn into heavy gasps As I get that euphoria feeling again. "Not Yet babygirl ", He stops and slides my leg's on his shoulder's starting a slow pace. I whimper wanting him to go faster. Baby please g-, He cuts me off going faster. I can't even explain the feeling right now. All I know is that Michael has me on a natural high. I arch my back in pleasure. My toes start to curl. Mich.... Oh God!!!, Michael continues as I reach my destination of pleasure. He slows his pace as he soon follows. He slowly exits me still breathing hard. He slides beside me pulling me into his arm's. Michael..... I Love you.... I..... Love you.... God..... I Love You, "I Love you too", He kisses my shoulder. I felt myself drifting off. As soon as my eye's shut it hits me. I quickly sit up. Oh God Michael,  He slowly sits up. "What's wrong? ", Oh God...

To Be Continued....

A Million Ways To Love You™(Never Let Go)♥ Book 3✔️Where stories live. Discover now