♥Chapter 36♥

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A/N: Hey guys if you are looking for chapters 31-35 then read ♥Mine ForbThe Holidays♥ It's still part of the main story But just as a Christmas special! so chapters 36-40 will here in book three ♥A Million Way's To Love You (Never Let Go)♥ So I hope I cleared up any confusion. Anyways here's Chapter 36!!

*Marilyn's Point Of View*

Michael walks into the bedroom looking bothered. I look up from my book. "Babe are you OK?", He lookd up at me while removing his shirt. "Uhh yeah I'm fine", I sigh. I know he's lying. "Michael tell me what's bothering you", He sighs and walks into the bathroom. I sit and wait for his answer. He walks back out and sits on the edge of the bed. "I...God how do I say this? ", "Say what? Michael just tell me", He runs his hand through his hair. "I told Patrick about the baby", My eye's widened. "You did what?!", I groan in agitation. I wanted to tell them on my own. I really don't need to hear crap from mom nor Patrick. Michael turns to me. "I'm sorry, He asked and I couldn't lie", He crawls to my side and sits beside me. "God what am I going to do?", I said looking at him. He looks at my hand. "I don't know but I'll be right by your side mama ", He takes my hand and kisses it. I crack a smile. I can't stay mad at him. I rub my stomach. Lately it has been hurting a bit. I dont understand it. I'm only four months. I'm a little scared and i haven't told Michael. "Michael i think I'm going to call it a night papa", He nods. "Alright are we sleeping downstairs? ", "I actually don't know ", "Well i'll go ask them which one they prefer", I nod. He climbs out of the bed and finds a shirt to put on before he walked out. I sigh and rubbed my stomach ...

*Michael's Point Of View*

I walk downstairs and into the living room. Once i entered i see Patrick lounged back on the sofa with a drink in hand. "Uhh hey Patrick? Are you sleeping downstairs or?...", He looks at taking a sip of his drink. "Tell me something Michael, Are you happy about this baby?", I nod. "Yes, Marilyn and I both are", He shakes his head laughing. "I said are you happy?", I strug. "I am having a baby is a beautiful miracle ", He looks at the tv then me. He starts laughing before responding. "Cut the crap Michael, I know you aren't head over hills about a new baby especially when it's not yours", I shake my head. "Patrick i don't know where you are getting at bu-", "Michael i understand you are a good loyal husband, But you need to stop bullshitting yourself, You and i both know you aren't happy about that baby", I sigh. "Patrick I am, I will admit i was mad but what can i do but support?", He laughs. "Fuck that, You should talk about this with her because i wouldn't put up with it", "And I did look Patrick thanks for the advice but no thanks", He turns to the tv. "You're a p-", I knock the beer out his hand. "Don't you ever call me that You have said enough for tonight! You know what I'm going to bed....Good night", I turn to walk away. Suddenly i am pushed forward. I look back and Patrick was standing up clearly pissed. "Boy i outta beat your ass!", I look at him surprised by his sudden rage. "Look I'm sorry but I'm goin to bed", He grabs my shirt. "I don't know who the hell you think you are but you better find out!", He said pulling me into his face. The smell of alcohol fills my nostrils. I push him away. "Patrick you're drunk just calm down! ", He ignores me and tries to push me. "You don't tell me what the hell to do!", I move out his way as he stumbles on the floor. Marilyn's mother runs in. "What the heck is going on here?", She said looking from me to Patrick. "He's drunk", I said looking at him disgustedly. He looks at her. "Baby I'm not drunk i only had one beer", She shakes her head. "Then why are you on the floor Patrick? ", He points at me. I look at her. "Look I ca-", "Michael!!!!!!", I looked at Ms. Burgess. "That was Marilyn! ", I quickly jog out with Ms. Burgess right behind me. "Michael!!!", Marilyn screeched. I quickly jog up the stares. "I'm right here babygirl", I said as i reach the room....

To Be Continued .....

A Million Ways To Love You™(Never Let Go)♥ Book 3✔️Where stories live. Discover now