Another one

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Liam's POV
Sean fell asleep on the way to the pizza shop which was good because then me and Gabe could talk

Gabe= so tell me the truth is he okay

Liam= dude I'm worried he's sleeping all of the time

Gabe= isn't that a good thing it means that he is sleeping and he's not tried

Liam= I looked it up Gabe its a sign of depression I'm worried Gabe he's not the same

Gabe= was he okay when I was gone

Liam= he told us all about the nightmares and how you knew him but you when he sleeps he shouts stop stop don't hurt me have you go any clue what that is about

Gabe= he didn't have a bad childhood. He was happy.his parents where lovely treated him right. He never told me about them

Liam= well don't you think we need to ask him about it.we need to know

Gabe= hey don't panic he will be fine okay now pizza please

Liam= should I wake him up

Gabe= how much did he sleep last night

Liam= about 1 hour

Gabe=let him sleep

SKIP to when they have pizza and they have eat it

Sean= why did you let me sleep Liam

Liam=kinda a need you know to get sleep you need it you look like shit

Sean=thanks for that

They  all walked into the house and the boys greeted Gabe.
(Skip the meeting back with Gabe)


Everyone was asleep as we where up all night
That's when I heard Sean move and shake

Sean= no no no I didn't mean it, I mean it, I need it,I need my blade

Wait what did he just say "blade"
I hope to god he's not hurting himself again

Gabe= Sean wake up mate

Sean= no no stay away from me

Gabe= hey I'm not going to hurt you it's me Gabe

Sean= sorry another nightmare so...

Gabe= Sean you said "blade" have you been cutting again

Sean= no I haven't it's just a dream a dream about a blade

Gabe= is that what all the nightmares are about you hurting yourself

Sean= most of them are about me hurting myself but.... I've had a couple of dreams where I die

Gabe= why didn't you tell me about them? I could of helped you

Sean= it's just a nightmare Gabe. I'm fine okay I need to pack for tour tommrow

Gabe= me too

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