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The small man gazed into Valentines open mouth, her teeth looked like huge white boulders, and her tongue like a giant wet slope for him to slide on. Saliva dripped off her tongue and from the roof of her mouth.
"Say goodbye little man" Valentine said.
Valentines fingers separated and the little man began to fall... 
He flailed about in the air until landing with a 'splat!' on Valentines tongue.
The small man got up and tried to run along the tongue and out of the mouth. Valentine began to pull her tongue inside her mouth. But the small man kept running, he dove for the exit.

"Omf" Valentine closed her lips on the small man. She smirked. Then began to slurp him into her mouth. He slipped and was sucked in, he slid across valentines' tongue. She tilted her head back.
The small man was slipping, he couldn't hold on.


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