Tragic Start.

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Dark was born third of eight, but due to a cruel twist of fate he was the only one of eight to survive. Dark had lost his father to an unknown cause, and of course his mother was extremely protective of him.

The day started like any other day, Dark and his mother playing a little and the she tells him that she is going hunting. Dark nods and smiles as she leaves, taking the time Dark helps his mother by cleaning up their den. The day passes as he waits, night falls and Dark becomes worried, he sits at the entrance to their den and waits. About an hour later his friend and his mother walk up to Dark.

Lucas looks at his mother and she nods, Lucas looks at Dark and sighs heavily.

"Dark, you need to come with us to our den, your mother has been killed."

Dark shakes his head as he starts to cry.
"No. She will be back."
Dark looks out into the forest and howls calling to his mother. He waits for her to respond.

Laura shakes her head and walks up to Dark.
"I'm truly sorry, but she is gone. Gather what you want and follow us to your new home."

Dark nods and gathers a few items and slowly walks behind whimpering.

Laura stops and puts her paws around Dark hugging him.
"I know you are hurting, your mother was like a sister to me. Anything you need just ask and I will do my best to provide."

Dark nods as he cries, his tears getting Laura's fur wet, Laura quietly holds Dark as she cries.

What Dark didn't know was this was the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Soon he would come to realize his true calling. Unfortunately for Dark he is going to find out who he really is 2 years early. But in the process he will be given everything, because the oldest wolf in the pack is actually his son from two lifetimes ago.

I know this just took a crazy turn. But I ask you to trust me, this will make sense soon.

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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.

SilverStoryDragon 🐲

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