First Encounter.

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Angel and Crystal were sitting enjoying a cup of tea in the garden it was a beautiful sunny day, a light breeze was blowing the birds were singing the flowers were in full bloom filling the air with their sweet fragrances. It was a perfect day both Angel and Crystal had become friends almost immediately and they knew that together they could do anything.

As they relax and enjoy the day  voice is heard on the wind.
"Trust your instincts, don't trust the gods they will try to harm you. Dark has stood against them when he didn't agree with them."

Angel looks around for whoever said that.

Crystal smiles and says.
"It's ok, that is just the lands warning us about something."

Dark had gone to gain the werewolves, trolls and ogars as allies. And in the process gotten into a battle that left him wounded and weakened. At the moment he was receiving medical attention.

Angel looks at Crystal slightly confused.
"What did the lands mean when it said Dark has stood against the gods?"

Crystal looks at Angel and says.
"According to his history. He didn't agree with them about the fate of a brother and sister that they were going to take. An argument led to Dark taking them from the gods. What happened next was the gods and Dark becoming at odds with each other."

Angel nods, with a smirk she says.
"Why don't we go make them pull their heads out of their ass?"

Crystal looks at Angel and smiles.
"Really? I'm game if you want to."

Angel nods and says with a devious grin.
"Let's do this."

Angel and Crystal walk to the temple and call to the gods. After they appear Angel looks at them and says, letting her frustration show.
"Exactly who the fuck do you think you are? Pulling this shit against our mate are you fucking stupid or what?"

One of the dragon gods goes to speak and Crystal say.
"Shut up! This stupid shit needs to stop, you are supposed to be helping. Instead you are being whiners."

The same dragon god growls and says.
"Just because you are his mates doesn't give you the right to speak to us this way. Perhaps we should make him fulfill his duties alone."

Crystal and Angel had seen the armor that Dark had been using, it was created by the gods. They hear a noise behind them as one of the gods says slightly afraid.
"Dark Wolf, why are you up? You need to heal."

Dark was standing there as his dragon form in the armor that Crystal and Angel had seen. It doesn't take long for Crystal and Angel to realize that the gods are actually afraid of Dark. What Crystal and Angel didn't know was just how vicious Dark could actually be, especially in a weakened and injured state, the gods however knew this all too well.

Dark walks in and stands beside Crystal and Angel, his sword drawn.
"If any of you hurt Crystal or Angel, you will know my full untamed wrath." Dark starts to stagger and falls to one knee.

Crystal immediately grabs Dark and helps hold him up.
"Dark, what's wrong?" Concern filled her voice. Angel was doing her best to help hold Dark up, she didn't realize just how heavy Dark was in his dragon form with the armor.

With anger in eyes Angel looks at the gods are growls.
"Did you do this? I swear if you did the wrath you will feel from me is worse than his."

Crystal nods as she holds Dark.
"The fury of a pissed off female is bad, but two is a nightmare. Add to that the fact that we are wolf and dragon, and you are fucked."

The gods put their hands up.
"We swear we had nothing to do with this. He is weak, injured and tired, he needs to be healed and his energy replenished. Please leave him here, we will heal his wounds and replenish his energy."

Crystal growls and gets in the gods faces.
"He better come back to us. If not Angel and I will come kick your ass."

Angel nods and says with a smirk.
"I just might even castrate the males among you."

The males eyes open wide as they cover their manhood. One male gulps and says.
"Don't worry, I will personally see to it that Dark is returned to you asap."

Crystal and Angel both nod and walk out. Before she exits the temple Angel looks back and snaps her jaws together making the males jump and whimper. Once outside Crystal and Angel both start laughing. Crystal looks at Angel and says.
"I might even castrate the males among you. That was so funny I almost started laughing. And then when you snapped your jaws together and heard them whimper I almost couldn't help but start laughing."

Angel nods as she laughs.
"I almost started laughing. I think they are just as scared of us as they are of Dark."

Five hours later Dark smiles as he walks into the palace.
"You girls are so mean, I couldn't help but laugh when they told me what happened."

Crystal and Angel both smile and chuckle as they continue their game of chess. Dark shakes his head and goes to the kitchen for something to eat, deciding on fruit he watches Crystal and Angel. Dark smiles as he watches, he sees a single move that Angel could make and force Crystal to make a maneuver called casteling. Unfortunately Crystal had seen it also a put Angel in check, Angel had no choice but to abandon the attempt. Three moves later Crystal smiles and says.
"Check mate."

Angel nods and says.
"Good game, first time I've ever played chess."

Crystal nods and smiles as she resets the board.
"You did really good for the first time."
The two spending the next few hours playing game after game.

Dark smiles as he watches, the gods however were a little on edge because not only is Dark not happy with them, now Crystal and Angel were also.

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