First Battle.

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Dark had been walking for three days, he catches the scent of a know enemy.

Walking into a clearing Dark stops and looks around. A laugh rings out and a werewolf walks into the clearing.
"So a wolf alone in the forest, you must be a nobody in your pack."

Dark looks as nine more werewolves walk into the clearing, Dark chuckles and says.
"Ten on one, I'm insulted."

The lead werewolf nods and growls, another 15 walks into the clearing.
"Ok, how about 25 to one, is that better?"

The dragon of death says in Dark's mind.
"Master, we must be careful, this could be a trap. Use your sense of smell, they are working with the dark elves."

Dark looks at the werewolves and says.
"I do not want any trouble, I'm just passing through. But if I must I will fight."

The lead werewolf smiles and chuckles.
"It's too late for that. We have been working with the dark elves to try and find and kill the one known as The Great Healing Wolf. They don't want the Great Ones to return, apparently they are the only ones who can stop them from taking over the world."

Dark looks at the lead werewolf as he thinks to The dragon of death.
"It looks like we don't have a choice. What we have to do must be done, I'm not going to let them help take over the world."

The dragon of death responds.
"Very well, I would prefer not to do this, but it must be done."

Dark watches the werewolves as he contemplates letting his dragon loose. One of the werewolves attack and The Dragon Of Death takes over, the werewolves watch as Dark shifts to a black and red dragon with blood red eyes. At his side was a sword that glowed a menacing dark red, on his back was a bow with a quiver of arrows they were black and had been enchanted with a spell called 'Magic Missile' it makes the arrows unstoppable until they hit their target.

(Authors Note. What follows is the battle scene, if you want to skip it then do so. If you choose to read it, you do so at your own risk I am not responsible for what happens. You have been warned. SilverStoryDragon.)

(From this point until the end of the battle Dark is The Dragon Of Death)

Dark draws his sword and in one swift movement he takes the head of the werewolf off and swings the sword down slicing through the werewolf. After a brief pause the werewolf falls in half, angered by this the werewolves attack. Wanting to have some fun Dark drops the sword and uses his claws to rip the werewolves apart. Limbs fly in all directions as blood spurts from the wounds, Dark grabs one werewolf and skins him alive. The werewolf screams in pain as his skin is ripped from his body. Punching another in the head the werewolf's head explodes as if it had an explosive device in it, blood and brain matter fly everywhere. Dark grabs another werewolf by his genitals and rips them from his body, the werewolf falls to his knees and howls in pain his hands covering where his penis and balls used to be. Annoyed by his screams Dark rips his throat out as he takes the spine of another werewolf from his body.
Systematically Dark kills each werewolf in a painful brutal way. Surveying the scene it was obvious that the werewolves were out matched, blood, intestines, a heart here and there brain matter was all over the ground and on the trees. The lead werewolf smiles and says.
"So you are the one we seek, no matter you will die here today."

Dark smirks and says.
"Bring it on, you are nothing but a annoying piece of shit."

The werewolf attacks and Dark grabs him by the throat and starts squeezing, instinctively the werewolf grabs Dark's hand and tries to get away.

Dark smiles and says.
"I hope you said goodbye to your pack."

The werewolf whimpers as his throat is slowly crushed, his eyes bulge from his head and blood starts flowing from his mouth. In a last ditch effort to escape the werewolf kicks Dark in the nuts. Grabbing the werewolf Dark rips his body in half and drops the lifeless body. A roar of victory echoes through the forest, returning control to Dark the dragon of death says.
"I know you are hurting because of the death around you, it was them or us."

Dark nods and sighs heavily as he knew it was true.

Yikes! Talk about vicious, the first battle is over and won. This isn't the last we will see The Dragon Of Death.

Please don't forget to comment and vote. Thank you for reading, I truly appreciate it.

Stay safe and have a pleasant morning, afternoon or evening.

Silver 🐲

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