A New Home

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Sam's POV:

As we drove to Luke's house I kept my eyes out the window.

Luke noticed. "What's wrong baby girl?"

I glanced at him before looking back out at the trees. "Nothin'."

"Come on now darlin', I know somethin' is up."

I sighed. "What if Caroline don't like me?"

Luke patted the seat next to him. "Come here honey."

I moved from the passenger seat to the middle seat.

Luke wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into a sideways hug. "I know she's gonna love ya, kiddo."

"Promise?" I asked.

Luke glanced down at me and smiled before looking back up at the road. "I promise."

I layed my head on his shoulder. "Thanks Luke."

We rode in silence for a while before Bo finally spoke up. "Daddy, can we get some ice cream?"

Luke looked at his son in the rearview mirror. "Sure bud."

"Thank you!"

When we pulled into the ice cream place we saw that we would have to eat at one of the picnic tables scattered around, which was just fine by me.

"Alright, whadda y'all want?" Luke asked as we climbed out of the truck.

"Chocolate please!" Bo and I said in sync. We giggled and I unhooked him from his booster seat.

"Swings!" Bo cried when he was out of the truck, pointing to a nearby swingset.

"I'll get the ice cream. Y'all go have some fun," Luke told us.

Bo grabbed my hand and pulled me to the swings.

"Do ya know how to swing?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

I plopped down onto the swings next to him. "Well I'll teach ya. Ya put yer legs out and pull on the chains when yer goin' forward when yer going back ya pull yer legs in and push the chains away from ya. Got it?"

He nodded and tried it. He was having some trouble though.

"Just try and copy me," I suggested.

Then Bo started getting the hang of it. He started swinging like he had been doing it for years.

"There ya go Bo! Now ya got it!" I cheered.

"Way to go BoBo!" Luke called from where he was standing in line.

When it was his time to order I heard the cashier say, "So what can I get ya?"

"I'll take chocolate in a cup with nuts," told her.

"Alright," she said, hitting some buttons on the cash register. "And what about yer son and daughter?"

I almost fell off the swing.

I looked up and saw Luke had a huge grin on his face as he told her our orders. I wondered what he was thinking. Did he like it when the cashier called me his daughter?

I didn't have time to think about it because just then Luke yelled, "Sammy Girl! BoBo! Come on y'all! Time to eat!"

We hurried over and huddled around a nearby picnic table. Bo and I dug into our ice cream.

"Woah, slow down Sam or yer gonna get-" Luke tried, but I cut him off.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Brain freeze!"

Luke laughed. "I tried to warn ya kiddo!"

"Ya were a little late, Luke," I mumbled through clenched teeth.

When the pain went away I continued eating but at a much slower pace.

We finished our ice cream and hopped back into the truck.

As we pulled up to my new home my knee started bouncing nervously. I climbed out of the truck, and unbuckled Bo as Luke grabbed my bags from the back.

I followed closely behind Luke as we entered the house.

"Darlin' we're back!" Luke called.

"Hey Baby!" Caroline cried, running up and kissing him. Then she turned to me. "And you must be Sam."

"Howdy ma'am," I greeted.

She pulled me into a hug. "It's so nice that yer apart of our family now!"

"Thank ya."

"Mama!" Bo cried, reaching his arms up to her.  

Caroline let me go and picked him up. "Hey little man! How's-?" She froze and sniffed the air before turning to Luke with a hand on her hip. "Thomas Luther Bryan, why does he smell like ice cream when I told you that we were havin' super right when y'all got home?"

"I forgot," Luke admitted.

Caroline cracked a smile. "Yer lucky I love ya so much."

Luke kissed her. "I know."

He grabbed my bags and said, "Well Sam, let's go upstairs and I'll show ya to yer new room."

I followed him upstairs and into a bedroom. In the middle of the room was a bed that had a wood frame ment to look like logs and had a camo comforter. A nightstand, dresser, and desk matched the bed frame. Pictures of deer and wilderness covered the walls. A big flat screen TV was on the opposite wall from the bed. A table held a sound system with a CD player, radio and the ability to plug in your own music.

Tears came to my eyes as I looked around the room.

"Ya like it?" Luke asked hopefully.

I flung my arms around him and buried my head in his chest as I thanked him over and over.

"Yer welcome sweetheart," Luke whispered and kissed the top of my head. "Now why don't ya get unpacked while I go start grillin' up the hotdogs?"

I nodded and detached myself from him. I turned on the radio as I started putting away my clothes in the dresser.

I had just put in my last pair of jeans when the familiar tones of 'Country Girl' came through the speakers.

I started singing along and shaking my hips.

In the middle of the song I hear, "Yer doin' it wrong."

I jumped nearly three feet into the air. I spun around and saw Luke standing there.

"Doin' what wrong?" I asked.

"The hip shake," he told me, walking next to me. "It goes like this." Luke then demonstrated how to 'properly' shake it.

I laughed and started copying him as we sang along to his song.

When it ended we started laughing again.

"So what'd ya come up here for?" I asked.

"Dinner's ready," he told me.

I followed him back downstairs and grabbed two hotdogs off the counter in the kitchen.

As we gathered around the table and said grace, I felt like I truly had a home for the first time in a long time.

Teenage Dreams (A Luke Bryan Story)Where stories live. Discover now