The Cousins Are Here!

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Sam's POV:

"Sam! Jordan and Kris are here!" Luke yelled up the stairs.

"Comin'!" I called back.

I took a few deep breaths before walking downstairs.

In the living room I saw two girls hugging Luke. They both had long brown hair and shining blue eyes, like me. I just stood in the doorway, shifting my weight from foot to foot awkwardly.

"Sam! Sam, come over here! Meet yer cousins!" Luke called happily.

I took a few steps forward but stopped and looked at my feet. I seen Luke walk over and walk behind me.

He grabbed both of my arms then used me as a puppet as he made me wave the two girls over.

I was giggling as he moved my arms all around.

"Sam this is Jordan," Luke introduced, pointing one of my arms at the older girl. Then he pointed it at the younger one. "And this is Kris!"

I started laughing as Luke made me shake hands with them. "Daddy I ain't a puppet!"

Luke pulled my arms against my chest so they were trapped between my chest and his arms, then looked down at me. "Are ya sure 'bout that darlin'? Not much ya can do right now."

I squirmed. "Daddy!"

"Aw Uncle Luke! Let the poor girl go!" Jordan said. Her and Kris were both laughing.

"And what if I don't? Whadda ya gonna do about it kiddo?" Luke teased.

"Then we'll do this!" Kris yelled, running over and tickling Luke's sides. Jordan joined her.

"Not *laughs* fair!" Luke laughed.

He loosened his grip enough for me to wiggle out of his arms and help the girls tickle him.

"We got ya now Daddy!" I told him.

"Bo! BoBo!" Luke hollered.

Bo ran in.

"BoBo help Daddy!" Luke pleaded.

"No Daddy! I wanna help Sam!" Bo told him, tickling his ribs.

I wrapped Bo in a hug before continuing to torture Luke.

Finally we stopped and Luke was laying there, gasping for breath as we all layed on top of him.

"Why are ya outta breath Uncle Luke?" Kris asked in fake innocence.

I decided to play along too. "Ya Daddy. Are ya okay?"

Luke shook his had. "Aw naw! Y'all can't just pretend that that didn't just happen."

"What are in the world are ya talkin' 'bout?" Jordan asked. "Sam, do ya know?"

I shook my head.

"Maybe he's sick." She put her and on his forehead. "Jeez Uncle Luke! Yer head's so hot ya could cook bacon on it! It's sweatin' and everything! No wonder yer talkin' crazy!"

Luke laughed. "It's from laughing so hard and tryin' to get y'all off me while you were ticklin' me to death!"

Kris threw her hands up in the air. "There he goes again! Maybe we should lay him down on the couch. Sam, can ya help me get him up there?"

"Sure!" I said grabbing one on Luke's arms.

"Girls I'm fine!" Luke assured us.

Jordan grabbed Luke under his armpits and we all hauled him up to his feet. Kris and I each wrapped an arm around his waist for extra "support".

Luke eventually just played along and let us play 'doctor' as we layed him down on the couch.

"Kris go wet a washcloth with cold water for his head to help bring down his fever. Sam, can ya help me make Uncle Luke more comfortable?" Jordan asked.

I nodded and grabbed Luke's favorite camo blanket. I draped it over him as Jordan fluffed up his pillows.

Kris had just layed the cloth on Luke's forehead when Caroline walked through the front door, arms filled with grocery bags.

"What's goin' on?" she asked, walking into the kitchen and putting the bags on the counter before heading back over to us.

"Well I guess I'm 'sick'," Luke told her, putting air quotes around the word 'sick'.

"Hey Mama!" I cried, giving her a hug.

She kissed the top of my head. "Hey sweetie. It's so sweet of ya to take care of yer daddy."

"Jordan and Kris are helpin' too."

"Awww. Are y'all gettin' along alright?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah! Sam is really funny!" Kris called. Jordan nodded in agreement and smiled.

"Y'all are awesome too!" I told them.

Luke grinned. "See darlin'? Didn't I tell ya that ya had nothin' to worry 'bout?"

I sat next to him. "Yeah ya did."

"Well didn't ya know that Daddies know everything?" Luke asked.

I kissed his cheek. "Yeah, okay Daddy. Whatever ya say."

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