The Next Morning

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Sam's POV:

After dinner we all sat on the couch and watched TV. Luke and Caroline were in the middle of the couch and I was

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, Luke was saying, "I'll get Sam. You get Bo."

Then I felt him picking me up into his arms. I groaned and curled up against his chest.

He brought my up to my room, pulled down the covers with one arm, layed me gently down on the bed, and pulled the blanket up to my chin.

Luke leaned down and kissed my head. "Night Sammy Girl."

I yawned. "Night Luke. Thanks for everythin'."

The last thing I remembered before slipping into a peaceful sleep was the feeling of Luke's hand running through my hair.

*The next morning*

I woke up to Bo jumping on my bed.

"Get up Sam! Get up Sam! Time to get up!" He chanted, bouncing with each word.

"Booooooo," I whined, shoving my head under my pillow. "Go 'way. 'm sleepin'."

"No Sam! Time to get up! Sleepin' is for night time! It's mornin'!" Bo argued.

"Well it looks like night time under my pillow," I pointed out. "Therefore, I shall sleep."

"Noooooo!" Bo whined.

"Yesssss," I teased.

"Bo, what are ya doin' in here?" I heard Luke ask.

"I came in here to wake Sam up," Bo told him.


" 'cause I wanted someone to play with."

"Bo, ya don't go and wake people up just 'cause yer bored."

"Sorry Daddy."

"Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to yer sister."

I assumed Bo apologized but was too busy thinking about what Luke said to pay attention. He just called me Bo's sister. Did that mean he thinks of me as his daughter?

"Daddy she don't forgive me!" Bo cried.

"Hu? No Bo, I forgive ya. I just couldn't hear ya under the pillow," I lied, pulling my head out and plopping it down onto the pillow again. I pulled Bo down to lay next to me.

"So are ya gonna wake me up again?" I asked, tickling he ribs.

"No!" Bo giggled.

I tickled him even more. "Ya promise?"

"Yes!" Bo laughed, trying to push my hands away.

"Hmmmm. I'm not sure I believe ya." I started tickling him all over.

Bo was laughing and squirming. "I do! I do! I promise!"

"Good!" I said but didn't stop.

"Daddy! Help me!" Bo giggled.

Luke jumped on to the bed and attacked me with tickles.

I squirmed and twisted trying to get away. "Luke!"

"Yeah baby girl?" He asked in an innocent voice.

"Stop!" I gasped between laughs.

"No way kiddo!"

He was driving me crazy from laughter.

"Daddy! Daddy stop! I can't breathe!" I gasped.

I could've imagined it but I think Luke's grin got even bigger.

Finally he pulled away and Bo and I were gasping for breath.

"I'm gonna go start breakfast," Luke told us, then left.

When he was gone I finally realized what I had said to him. I smacked my forehead with my hand and groaned, not knowing what Luke thought of me now.

Bo grabbed my hand and pulled it off my face. "Sam, it ain't nice to hit yourself."

I laughed and gave him a hug. This kid was just too cute. "Yer right BoBo. I'm sorry."

"It's okay! Ya wanna play with my cars?" He asked.

"Sure bud!"

We hurried down to the basement which they use as a playroom for Bo. Bo ran over to a big box full of toy cars and started taking some out. I picked out two trucks and 'raced' with Bo's trucks. Of course I let him win.

A little while later we her Luke holler down the stairs, "Breakfast is ready y'all!"

I took a deep breath, wondering how awkward things were gonna be at breakfast after I called him that. I took another breath and headed upstairs.


Hey y'all! In case anyone was wondering, Luke's other son Tate ain't in this story. Please comment and tell me how y'all are liking the story so far.

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