Chapter 8: Stay Determined....

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Both skeletons had their eyes sockets wide open making them look scary for Frisk.
"K...kid can you say that again..." said Sans.
Frisk was scared now, " you know who's G...Gaster?" She said again. Both brothers stared at each other and looked back at Frisk,
"How do you know him?" Asked Papyrus.
She felt her back shiver, "I...I met him in Waterfall, ever since the barrier is now open,
He's been following me," she said. Both skeletons were silent while Frisk was starting to sweat. "When was the last time you saw him?" Asked Sans in a low voice. "Well... it's hard to explain but, I last saw him in my dreams telling why my soul is in this condition." She replied. It got completely silent, like if everything has vanished, (I'm being detailed here so you can understand the skeletons are shocked about this). "Kid, did he tell you anything else?" Asked Sans. Frisk thought about it and replied, "I remember that he said he is in a void, stuck I suppose," she said. "Brother, that means he is still alive," said Papyrus, "I know but, how?" Replied Sans. "What do you mean?" Asked Frisk with a low voice. "You might not understand what we're going to say but, I think that's another time to talk about," said Sans. She nodded at them as Papyrus started to hug Frisk, she hugged him back as she thought about what is wrong with both of them. Just them Frisk felt another pain on her chest making her grab tightly on Papyrus, making him flitch. "F...Frisk? What's wrong?" Asked Papyrus in a shaky voice. She then let go of him clutching tightly around her stomach, "Kid are you alright?" Asked Sans. She shook her head as a no as she was breathing heavily, she lifted her head out and checked her HP, it was 10/20, "Kid your HP is going down quickly, we have to get Alphys right now!" Papyrus nodded as he went for Toriel, Asgore and Asriel for help. Sans went to another room to call Alphys to come here as fast as she could. That let Frisk all alone in the living room, she heard a small echo behind her, she turned around and saw a dark corner. She moved more closely as she realized who it was, it was Gaster standing there, the same look like in her dream. "Child, I see you told Sans and Papyrus about me didn't you," he said. She nodded, she then spoke softly, "May I ask you a question?" She said. "You may," he replied. "Are you Sans and Papyrus dad?" She asked without thinking. He stayed quiet and replied, "Yes I am," he said. She then stayed quiet as she looked at her soul, it has a bigger crack then before, "Gaster how long have you known this happing and why have you been following me?" She asked. "I've known this when you first fell in the underground you didn't know that this is happening you since you still had determination in you, and I kept on following you because I knew this would happen, when a human has enough determination, they slowly start getting weak from their determination by using to much of it. I suppose you've been using your determination so much I guess it's draining from your soul," He said. She slowly starts realizing, but stays quiet as they both heard footsteps coming from their left. "I must go now I'll see you again if I can and stay Determined as much as possible," he said as he slowly faded away. Frisk heard the footsteps coming closer as she sat near the fireplace.
"My child are you alright!?" Asked Toriel in a worried voice. She shakes her head as she pulled out her soul to show them, it was 9/20 everyone was now worried as they heard a knock at the front door. It was Alphys and Undyne, they walked in as they helped Frisk stand up. "Frisk are you alright?" Asked Undyne, she said yes as they asked her more questions, they all heard a crack from Frisks soul, the cracks on it is starting to shatter into smaller pieces. Frisk HP went to 8/20, that was as not a good sign as she started to scream in pain and fell onto the hardwood floor. "FRISK!" They all yelled in horror as they pick her up into Toriels arms and rushing her to a spare room, her eyes went blurry only seeing bright light, and heard echoes repeating. She slowly started to faint as she heard one more echo, Stay Determined.... and everything went black and silent.

To be continued...
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I do, took a lot of effort to do this and I'll be seeing you all in the next chapter bye~ Chibibon)

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now