Chapter 13: Reuniting with the skelebros...

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Gaster and Frisk were shocked and surprised, does Sans know what happened? Or thinks she is Frisk, they are so confused. "I...ummm," Frisk began to say, "Child?" Gaster asked. Sans he's her shaking nervously, "H...hey kid are you okay?" He asked. She didn't know what to say, "I...I'm fine, just cold that's all," she lied. Sans looked at her surprised, "Here you can borrow my sweater," he puts his sweater on Frisk, it was a little too big for her but she accepted it. "Thank you Sans-" she stopped what she said, she said his name, this is making her more worried. Sans looked at her with his eye sockets wide open, "Huh? How do you know my name?" Gaster was silent, even though nobody can't see him except Frisk, his son still knows her even though she is a monster. "Wait, your wearing the same clothes like a human that I know, and your voice sounds the same like theirs. can't possibly be... Frisk?" Sans said in a shaky voice. Frisk looked to the ground and thought of what to say, she had to tell him, she looked back at him and replied, " Y...yes Sans it's me, Frisk, it's nice to see you again..." she Said nervously to him. Sans couldn't believe it, she is alive but as a monster like him, but he still not sure if it's really her. "Stand still okay," he said has he used his magic to see her soul. He kinda jumped, when he saw her soul, it was part human and monster but in pieces putted together. "See it's still me sans, but just turned into a skeleton like you....," she said as a tear ten down her cheek, "Frisk is happy to see you again," said a whisper in his head. When he finally stopped using his magic, he began to cry, "K...kid is that really you?" She nods, he ran to her and hugged her, she hugged him back as they both cried in joy to each other again. "Wow kid, how did you turn into a monster and how are you alive?" She didn't know what to say but she had to tell him either way, "Gaster brought me back," she said as Sans gave a strange look at her, but put that aside for now. "I...I'm actually surprised of this, I wonder how the others will react," he said, "I think for now we should not do that, it's for the best so that nobody gets to hurt or if anything gets even worse," whispered Gaster to Frisk, she nodded and told Sans, he agreed. "Come on kiddo, we should at least tell pap about this," he said as she nodded. Once they both reached to his house, hiding from the guards, sans teleported both of them into the house. "Stay here, I'll be right back okay," she nodded as he headed towards his room. As she stranded there quietly, Gaster said, "Its's been a while since I've been here with my sons, they were so young," she smiled then she heard something behind her. She looked to see what it was but there was nothing. She looked up to Gaster seeing that he can feel it to. Then out of nowhere, a bone shot up in front of frisk, it almost it her. She backed away clutching onto Sans sweater in fear, something came out of the shadows, "Is this a prank Sans?" She said to her self. As it got closer she backed away until a wall stopped her, she was now trapped. The figure came out, it was Papyrus, his right eye was glowing orange and he had a furious look. They shocked Gaster even more, he never saw him this mad before. "Why are you in my house..." he asks. "I... ummm I just...," she panicked, papyrus looked at her and saw she was wearing sans sweater, "W...Where did you get that sweater...," he said. Now she's in real trouble, she didn't answer, "Not talking huh.... well then you know what they say...," he said, she didn't understand, that's then when he summon more bones, aiming at her she began to panic as tears were starting to fall from her eyes. Papyrus looked at her and realized, he just made a child cry, he disappeared the bones and walked closer to her, "I..I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was aiming at, I thought you were a stranger," papyrus said in a worried voice, "Are you okay?" He asked. She didn't respond. That's then when they both heard a door swing open hitting a wall, it was Sans, his eye glowed "What's happing!?" He said angrily. "Brother, this child came to our house, I almost hurt them but stopped to realize what I was doing," said Papyrus, this made Sans panic more when he said he almost hurt them. He quickly ran down the stairs and hugged her tightly, she hugged him back still crying. " who is she?" Asked Papyrus. Sans looked at him crying, "Bro... its Frisk... she came back...," he said as Frisk slowly got out of sans arms and looked at Papyrus, "Hi... Papyrus... it's nice to see you again...," she said as he looked more closely at her. "F...Frisk? Is that really you?" He asked as he looked at her more closely soon realizing it was, she nods. He runs up to her and hugs her tightly, "I...I never thought I've never see you again," he cried in joy. She hugged him back as well as sans. This made Gaster smile, seeing his boys being so happy to Frisk again. "Here sans," said Frisk giving him his sweater back, "Thanks kid," he replied. "It feels like we are a family now!" Said Papyrus, sans nods as Frisk giggles. Later on as the brothers got more information and what happened to Frisk, they all heard a loud banging at the door, they all stared at the door as they heard, "COME OUT SANS AND PAPYRUS!"
"Undyne!" They all said quietly.

To be continued:
(Hehehe there's going to be some explaining in here, but anyways thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it, and until next time bye~Chibibon)

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now