Chapter 12: Coming back...

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After seeing Frisk in good conditions, Gaster looked around and went outside like he said. But once he got out of the lab, there were monsters, guards, and the rest of the friends of Frisk all around, searching for something or for someone. As he was thinking of what they are looking for, he figured it out, they were all looking for Frisk's body. He walked around them since he was invisible, everyone looked worried, scared, and angry, this give him the chills. Since they are all looking for Frisk, he has to keep her away from them for a while, but what made him realize something, they might go the lab and there they will find her body as a skeleton which he thinks that it will be a problem to explain since they can't talk to him or see him. He got an idea, he will have to take Frisk after she awakes up, and take her somewhere else to not be seen until she is ready. That's then when he returns to the lab. As he entered the room where Frisk is, he saw her in bed looking around curiously. She then turned to his direction in surprise, "G...Gaster?" This made him smile. He walked towards her, "Hello child, how are you?" He asked. "Good I guess..." she then looked at her hand and sat up. "W...what happened to me?!" She said in fear. "Don't worry, I managed to find find a unused monster soul shattered like yours but I put the remains of it to your soul since parts of your soul is already gone, and it somehow changed you into a skeleton which is surprising" he said. "But... why did you bring me back?" She ask. Gaster sighed as he looked to his left, "I brought you back because, all of the monsters, your friends, and my sons, misses you very much, and I don't think you deserve to die since you did something for everyone which they tried for many years," he said as Frisk understood when he got more detailed. As she was getting unplugged from the machine, they heard a door open form far away, this made Gaster worried, monsters are already in the lab looking around. "Child we have to leave," he said as he gathered up somethings to bring with him. "But why?" Asked Frisk. "I'll tell you another time if I can okay, we just have to leave alright," Gaster said in a serious voice. "Umm alright," she said as Gaster grabbed her hand and teleported somewhere else. "I think I heard something over here," said a monster as they opened the door where there are a lot of beds. "Wait why is that bed the only one facing in a different direction?" Said a guard pointing at the bed that Frisk was on. They walked towards it, "It looks like this bed has Been used, and the machine behind is on," said the guard. "Maybe someone was already here before we came here," said a dog guard as a another dog guard sniffed through the bed sheets. "Wait! I recognize this smell," they sniffed around it, "I.... I don't know how to say this but, the human that the king and queen told us about was here, but her body isn't," they said. "Well I guess we still have to look for her," said another guard. Back with Frisk and Gaster they somehow teleported to the ruins.
"Well looks like nobody is here, I think we'll be safe here for now," said Gaster. Frisk was dizzy from the teleporting and fell onto the ground, she was getting used to her new form. "Well now that we are safe, I guess I could tell you why we had to leave and cannot be seen," said Gaster. "Okay," said Frisk. "We had to leave because nobody can't see you like this yet, they won't believe that it's you, plus if they ask you how are you alive and how I helped you, they won't believe in you since I'm dead, well almost alive I suppose." Gaster said. She understood, now that she was a skeleton, there will be a big difference for her since she's now a monster. They stayed for 2 hours in the ruins to make sure Frisk is good conditions to continue. After a while they decided to leave, some monsters that stayed in the ruins where curious and confused on how a skeleton child is here. Gaster stayed right next to her if anything happens, of course none of the other monsters cannot see him, only Frisk. As they traveled more further, they finally made it to the door to the end of the ruins. As they opened the door, this made Frisk remember how when she made it out of the ruins to here. "I know your having some memories about this but we'll have to walk and hide as possible so we don't get caught alright," said Gaster. "Okay," she said as they continue walking. Once they made it pass by the gate made by Papyrus, they heard some guards coming towards them, they quickly ran to a bush to hide. The guards didn't look the whole area where they were so they we're safe for now. As they quickly walked away without being noticed, they reached to Snowdin, nobody was there. "That's funny, there's often a lot of people here, where did they go?" Said Gaster. As Frisk looked around she noticed something from the trees behind them, there was something or someone looking at her. She backed up, as she heard something else, she turned to see but once she looked back at the thing, it was gone. "Gaster, think we are not alone..." she said. "I can feel it as well, we should be moving on now," "Right," she said as they continued. As they toke 7 steps forward, they heard something coming but very fast, "WHATCH OUT!" Said Gaster as he pulled Frisk to him. A bone shot to the ground where Frisk was standing, she began to panic as they heard footsteps coming towards them. She then saw a medium size shadow coming towards them, and it had a glowing eye, it was blue. They made Frisk realize who it was, it was Sans. Sans came closer to her as he showed himself, his eye sockets were wide open, "Huh? A skeleton kid? Hey kid sorry for scaring you, I thought you were something else and-" he stoped and looked at her closely. His eyes turned back to normal as he bent to his knees and examined her closer, his eyes looked worried, he then looked up to her and said, " I know you?"

To be continued....
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter,
It toke a long to do but, I thank you all for reading this, I appreciate it, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter, bye~ chibibon)

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now