Chapter 11: The answer...

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As Gaster teleported to the True Lab, he found left over equipment that hasn't been used. He took the things he needed to use to help Frisk. As he was about to leave he found a box which was written on the side "DO NOT OPEN", but Gaster had to know what it is. As he opened it he found a white broken soul like a monster's soul would be, but the soul was shattered into small pieces. He thought of it and got an idea, maybe if Frisk shattered soul parts are two small of already completely gone, he can replace some parts the broken soul into her soul. He then took that box as he teleported to another area in the lab, he was room where there is a lot of beds, he carefully put materials on the ground as he started to move some beds to make room to place the things somewhere around one bed where he will get Frisk and lay her there. He then noticed a machine that is connected to the bed as he went to see it, the machine is for checking heart beats, he decided to uses that. After setting up the place, he went back to Frisk grave, he found a shovel that he can uses to dig up Frisk. As he started dig he was still worried if this will work or not, but he is determined to help her, he then found her body as he lifted her up into his arms, he didn't like seeing Frisk dead right now but he ignored it. As he was about to put the dirt back into place like nothing has happened, he heard Sans and Papyrus coming towards him, he didn't have time to put all of the dirt back, he had no choice but to leave it like that and just take Frisk. As he left with Frisk, Sans and Papyrus were coming towards him but they didn't know since they were far away from him. As they made it up the hill they were shocked to see Frisk grave, it had a hole. They ran to it as they looked down, her coffin was opened and her body wasn't there. This made Papyrus in rage, who could've done such a thing like this. "Where is Frisk?" Said Papyrus in a panicky voice, "I...I don't know... we have to get the others" said Sans as he ran down the hill to look for the others. Back in the lab Gaster was worried that they would've found him taking Frisk, but decided to ignore that as he started to work. As Frisk body was all set, the last thing he needed to find is her soul, so he looked around the underground to look for it but as he made it to Asgore and toriels castle, he heard a voice whispering, he followed to voice until he came upon a a strange door, he phased into it and was surprised, Frisk soul was here and it was making noises he came closer to it as he saw her soul had even more cracks then before, he had to hurry. He carefully grabbed her soul so that it doesn't get more worst, he then teleported back to the lab and Saw Frisk still in bed connected to the machine behind her. He then started working on her soul, he replaced the small broken pieces of her soul with the monster soul shards, after he was done, he placed her soul on her chest as he heard the Machine working, her soul was beating again, he was surprised, how was that possible? But he didn't care, he just cared that Frisk soul is doing fine right now . After 2 hours Gaster saw Frisk changing form, her skin was disappearing and only bones were showing, she's was turned into a skeleton. This made him confused, as he turned around, he was going to leave for a bit to see what's going on outside, he heard a ruffled noise, he turned around to see Frisk and saw her hand moving and groaning it looks like she's waking up. He can't believe it, she's alive! Back with the other monsters, everyone has been searching for Frisk's body and who toke her away. There was no sign of where she is, everyone was in rage, sad, and worried. But they will not stop until they find her and the person who toke her away.

To be continued
(I feel like this chapter was short.... but anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter. If some of you think the lab sounded like a hospital, I kinda got the idea from watching The Walking Dead Lol, just saying. And until next time bye~ Chibibon)

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now