Chapter 10: Remember the fallen...

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"Hi... guys..." said Frisk in a weak voice trying to get up from bed. Everybody came into the room as they approached to Frisk with her soul in front of her, some of them already had tears running down their cheeks. "My child...." said Toriel in a sad expression as Asriel ran up to Frisk to hug her, everyone else did the same thing as she hugged them back as she cried as well. "C...can you all promise me something?" Asked Frisk. "Of course my child, what is it?" Said Toriel as everyone agreed with her. "C...can you promise me to protect my soul even though it's almost shattered, can you keep it safe so when I die... you can always remember me?" Said Frisk. Everyone was quiet and shocked as they all responded, "Of course Frisk..." they said. "Thank you... can I have one more last time to spent time with all of you before I go away?" She said, "I still have 3 HP left, I have a little bit of energy to do something...". They all agreed but told her not to do any dangerous things. As they all spend time together, Frisk's HP didn't went down yet, it was strange since it's already been 2 and a half hours, they were all surprised about it, but not for long. As they all approached to a bed of golden buttercups, that was then where Frisk's HP went to 2/20, they all suggested that she has to go in and rest but, she didn't wanted to. "If I'm going to die... I want to die in a bed of golden flowers surrounded by you guys with me so that I'm not alone," she said. That was then until her HP went to 1/20, one more HP left and frisk's is gone. They all agreed since the bedroom where Frisk was is to far away, they all sit down with Frisk as she started to fall, Toriel and for somehow Asriel catches her as everyone started to panic, "Here..." Frisk said to Asriel as she handed her broken soul to him, tears were falling from his eyes already as he hugged her tightly. She hugged him back as everyone started hugging her as well, she hugged everyone as there last goodbyes. "I... I guess this is it then... I had a fun time with all of you... please take care of my soul for me... I love all of you... and please... remember me as a good friend to all of you..." Frisk said as she slowly closed her eyes shut, her hand fell to the ground as they heard a small heart beat fading away. They all saw Frisk die in their arms, they all cried as Asriel held Frisk's soul in his hands,
"I promise Frisk... we'll keep you safe as long as we need to." He said as everyone gathered around him as the held Frisk's body in their arms. Later that day, they all told every monster of Frisk's death, it was then when they all decided to make a funeral for Frisk, two days later the funeral was made as They all placed Frisk in a coffin lifeless. Her grave was placed on top of Mount Ebbot, they then buried her in the ground surrounded by buttercups and in front of it was a tombstone written, "Frisk, In The Loving Memory of all Monsters kind, our Hero," with that, all monster kind came to see Frisk's funeral and paid their respects to her, her soul was kept in a room were it could be safe from any danger, it still had its broken shards around the soul and cracks but, at least it won't damage as much like last time. After everyone left, Sans and Papyrus were the only ones still standing in front of her grave. They were both upset, sad, angry, but most of all, they felt lost without Frisk. They became friends, helped everyone in the underground, set them free, they thought that Frisk's death was unacceptable, there was no answer of how this caused to happen to frisk. "Bro... I think it's time to leave now, we've been here for more than 10 hours, it's getting late," said Sans. "B...but I don't want to," said Papyrus in a low voice. "We will come back here to see Frisk again, I promise... she needs to rest after a long day," Sans said to Papyrus. Papyrus looked up to see the stars up in the sky they were glistening. "I suppose your right brother... lets go home then..." he said as he stood up. "Bye Frisk... see you tomorrow..." said papyrus as he toke Sans hand, "Goodnight kiddo, get a good rest," said Sans as they walked down the mountain to go home. It was silent, and dark, until a strange light appeared from the darkness, it was Gaster. He looked at Frisk's grave as he walked up to it, "I'm so sorry for what has happened to you child... I wish I could've been there for you but...." he stopped, and looked behind him. Sans and Papyrus were still walking down the hill, he thought of something, "I see that my sons are upset of you being gone... I see how it is for the others as well," he said. He turned back to Frisk's grave, "Frisk.... I know that you can't hear me but, if you can... I have an idea how I can bring you back," he said like if he was talking to nobody.
"But it will take a while to do that... but no matter what, you're everyone's hope, and they counted on you, and so do I.... I will bring you back for everyone's sake, you don't deserve this, you deserve to live..." he said. Back into the room were Frisk's soul was place in, her soul began to glow brightly, a voice came out of it, "Thank you..." it said.

To be continued....
(This toke me longer than I expected, but any way hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and hopefully I'll see all of you in the next one, bye~ Chibibon)

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now