Chapter 9: Whats happening....

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5 hours has passed, Frisk was still asleep but she suddenly felt a cold breeze flew by her. She shivered as she open her eyes. "Why is is so cold and..... why is everything dark?" Said she in a worried expression. She was laying on the floor but not in a room where Toriel toke her when she fainted. She sat up and looked up to see where was she. "Where am I? Gaster... are you here?" She said as she heard her voice echo. She then stand up shaking in pain from her leg, maybe it's asleep? She then saw something white on the floor off in the distance. "What is that?" She said as she started to walk towards the white floor. She then stopped in front of it, "Snow? Why is snow here?" Then she heard a voice from behind her which scared her, "I see you are Approaching. Are you Offering a hug of acceptance? Wowie!! My lessons are already  working!! I, Papyrus, welcome you with open arms!" She turned around and saw... Papyrus? She was about to say something until she heard a noise from a knife when you cut something. *Slice* she then saw in horror that Papyrus neck got sliced. His body turned into dust except his head, she saw someone walking in front of him, "C...Chara?" She said in a low voice. She backed away from what is happening, she then heard Papyrus said something but didn't understand what he said until he said, "S...Still I believe in can do better even if you don't think so... I... I promise..." he said as Chara put one foot on his forehead and pushed down hard making a crack noise as Papyrus head turned into dust as well. "I... remember this... I didn't mean to do this in the last timeline...." said Frisk as she felt tears falling from her eyes. She didn't notice that Chara looked at her with dark red eyes with black tears falling on her eyes, "Oh you did Frisk... you decided to do this..." said Chara as she started to approach to Frisk with a knife in her hand. "No get away from me! Go away! I don't want to remember this!" Said Frisk. "To bad... because since when were you in control...." said Chara as she held the knife at her ready to strike. "NO!" Said Frisk as Chara aim at her head.
"I'M SORRY" said Frisk sitting up on a bed breathing heavily and panicking. "Wha..." she looked around, she wasn't in that dark place any more, she was in a room were she saw she was connected to a machine next to her. "Was that all just a dream?" She then felt another pain in her chest as her soul appeared in front of her. It had bigger cracks and her soul color was turning grey on the top of it. She then looked at her HP, it was 7/20, she was so weak to move another muscle. She heard footsteps coming towards the door on the side of her, "What happening?!" Said Papyrus as he opened the door with anger, Sans was behind him as well for Toriel and Asriel. They all had a worried and angry face as they stared at Frisk, they saw she was terrified. "My child are you alright?" Asked Toriel. "I think so..." she said. Asriel ran towards Frisk as he hugged her tightly crying in her arms, Frisk looked at him as she hugged him back. "Don't do that again you scared me..." he said. "I'm sorry for worrying you Asriel..." said Frisk. The others came in the room, "My child! Your soul! And your HP!" Said Toriel. "It's getting worse then I thought" said Sans. "Frisk please lay down I'm going to get Alphys okay" said Toriel, she nodded as she lay down feeling more pain. Sans and Papyrus had worried faces as they looked at her with Asriel sitting next to her. "Kid... your worrying us too much" said Sans. "We are scared... mostly me that your really going to... die..." said Papyrus. Frisk looked at them with a sad expression, "I'm sorry guys, I'm not even sure what's going to happen to me... I'm scared as well...." she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. Sans, Asriel, and Papyrus hugged her to calm her down, she then saw her HP, 6/20, she's running out of time... Alphys came in to check on her, she asked if everyone can leave the room and wait in the living room, they all did as Alphys examined her and ran a few tests on her as well.
After a half an hour, Alphys came outside to tell everybody something. "Alphys! Is everything alright?" Asked everyone. She stayed quiet and responded, "Frisk is dying...." everyone in the room stayed quiet, "Her HP is left with 3/20.... you may see her before she... you know..." Alphys said in a serious voice. They all begin to walk towards where Frisk is, as they slowly opened the door, they saw Frisk laying in bed with a oxygen mask on them with the machine still next to her with her soul floating on top of her chest with even worse cracks. She slowly turned around to everyone, "H...Hi guys...." said Frisk.

To be continued....
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I do, and I hope to see you in the next one bye~ Chibibon)

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now